Questions about clubs, or club related issues, should be directed to the GSA Vice President (, or to the GSA Professional Staff (

Where possible, typed information is preferred, but not required.  Hand-written submissions will only be considered for approval if they are legible. Any form that requires a signature and date should be hand signed or a digitally verified signature, and not typed.

Documents are either pdf, doc, or excel files. To fill in pdf format documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat. All UB public computing site workstations have this ability, or you can visit the Tech Squad on Silverman 3rd floor for assistance, email, or call 716-645-3542.

Frequently Used Forms

Important Information for Club Officers

Forms for Starting and/or Activating a Club

PLEASE NOTE:  All club elections must be held online via UBLinked.  Please see the GSA Club Election Policy for more information and instructions. If you are a new club, GSA will need to host your first election for you on the GSA’s UBLinked page until you have been officially recognized by the University and given access to your own club site.

Deadlines for applying for Club Recognition for 2024-2025 academic year (these deadlines are for new or non-early recognized Special Interest and International clubs):

August 28th for the September 4th Board Meeting
September 25th for the October 2nd Board Meeting
October 30th for the November 6th Board Meeting
November 27th for the December 4th Board Meeting

PLEASE NOTE: Clubs can only be recognized at one of the Fall semester Board of Directors meetings.  No clubs will be recognized during the Spring semester.

Frequently Used Vendors that will Directly Bill GSA

  • Wegman’s (cards can be signed out at either GSA office)
  • Franco’s Pizza or La Rosa Pizzeria
  • ProfTech (formerly Staples) or Eaton Office Supply (GSA will place the order)
  • University Bookstore
  • Three Pillars Catering or any Campus Dining and Shops (CDS) organization
  • The UPS Store (UB Commons)
  • Any vendor that is willing to accept a PO and invoice for goods or services