Lecture Notes

1/28Intro to the MindSergio Hernandez, MDIntro to the Mind Student
1/29Opiates & AddictionSergio Hernandez, MDopioids
1/31Psychosis CasesSergio Hernandez, MD2017 Psychotic Disorder Cases- Hernandez
1/31Review 1John and GregPsychiatry Review Session #1
2/4Suicide Black on White vers.Sergio Hernandez, MDSuicide 2018 Student copy
2/4Eating DisordersMichael DiGiacomo, MD23-EatingDisorders020420
2/6Review Session 2John and GregPsychiatry Review Week 2(2)
2/6Resilience and PTGSergio Hernandez, MDResilience and Post Traumatic Growth
2/11Child PsychiatryMichael DiGiacomo, MDDiGiacomo-Intro to Child Psych
2/11Autism Spectrum DisordersMichael Adragna, MDASD_medschool
2/11ADHDJane Elberg, MDADHD 2020 updated v2
2/12Psychodynamic PsychotherapyJane Elberg, MDPsychotherapy new
2/12Review Session 3John and GregPsychiatry Review 3