GSA Officer Election and Referendum Results

The GSA Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the 2020-2021 GSA Officer Elections and Referendum vote:


J Coley: 468
(110 abstentions)

Vice President:

Connor Walters: 472
(106 abstentions)


Joshua Joseph: 475
(103 abstentions)

These elected candidates will officially take office immediately.


That the student activity fee be MANDATORY for all graduate students: 329

That the student activity fee be VOLUNTARY for all graduate students: 249

Thank you to all of the graduate students who participated in these votes!


GSA Election Committee

Tania Islam (EC Chair)
Xingyu Chen (EC)
Sadat Khan  (EC)
Olabowale Olola (EC)
Amber Rivera (EC)

GSA Referendum Vote online September 14th to 17th

Every two years the SUNY Board of Trustees mandates that all student governments must put their student activity fee up for a referendum vote.  GSA’s fee will be voted on this Fall from September 14th to 17th.  Without a mandatory student activity fee, GSA will not have the revenues to provide all of our funding and services to clubs and graduate students.

GSA Statement of Support for International Students

On Monday, July 6th, 2020, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that international students in the U.S. whose schools switch to online classes for the fall semester will have to leave the country or risk violating their visa status. The decision would prohibit any student on an F-1 visa from remaining in the country under the aforementioned circumstance.

The University at Buffalo Graduate Student Association condemns this decision in the strongest possible terms. On July 14th, 2020, the Trump administration rescinded the policy that would have deported international students not taking in-person classes. While we are grateful for this rescission, we are still concerned for international students under the current administration.

The UB Graduate Student Association E-board urges President Tripathi and Vice President Weber to be proactive in protecting all international students from instances like this in the future. UB Administration should develop a concrete plan to protect international students in case something like this happens again. International students should not have to live in fear of being deported. They need to know that UB administration will fight for them against the xenophobic and overzealous Trump administration.

The University at Buffalo prides itself in being a top destination school for international students. Now is the time for UB administration to show up for international students in a big way. The UB GSA stands in solidarity with international students at UB and everywhere. We encourage UB administrators to show they do as well.

J. Coley, GSA President
Connor Walters, GSA Vice President
Joshua Joseph, GSA Treasurer

Petition to create a one-credit course for international students

Due to the recent ICE announcements that will affect the international students at UB, especially after Thanksgiving when all classes will go online, some UB Graduate Students have started a petition to urge the UB administration and the President to create a one-credit course for all international students and continue in person instruction post-Thanksgiving break. If you are interested in supporting this initiative, please sign the petition via the link below:

Study on Graduate School Cyberbullying and LGBTQ+ Discrimination within UB

Dear UB Community:

We are researching the presence and effects of cyberbullying and substance use, in general and for LGBTQ+ individuals, among students, faculty, and staff in higher education. Research shows that LGBTQ+ secondary-age youth are disproportionately more likely to experience cyberbullying and associated trauma than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts; however, limited research explores this relationship among adult learners and higher education (Abreu & Kenny, 2017).

We request your input to help us gain a better sense of our community’s perspectives and experiences. To that end, we’ve developed a survey that will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. There are multiple choice questions as well as opportunities for a more extended sharing of experiences. Attached to this post is an informed consent document that outlines the details of this study and will help you decide if you would like to participate.

At the end of the survey, you will be asked about your willingness to participate in a one-time, 1-hour interview with the researchers via Zoom. If you indicate your willingness to participate, please include your email so that we may follow up to schedule the interview. If you would prefer not to submit your email with your survey response, you may email the researchers separately to schedule the interview. For your participation in the interview, you will receive $25.00.

Link to the survey:

 Please complete the survey by the closing date, July 31, 2020, and contact us at or for more information.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Courtney Doxbeck
Ph.D. Student
Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology

Tiffany Karalis Noel, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Learning and Instruction

IRB Approval

Informed Consent Form