Updated: Regulations for In Person Meetings and Events

Dear Club Officers, Representatives and Students,

As noted in the GSA COVID Memo 2021 that was sent out to all clubs with their club activation email on August 2nd, all in person activities/meetings/events, both on and off campus, require prior approval from both the University and GSA.  Please follow the detailed instructions listed in the memo.  The highlights are listed below.  Any club found to have violated these procedures will have their club derecognized and will lose all of the benefits of university-wide recognition for the year, such as the ability to reserve space, fundraise, and spend your club budget.

We will be relying very heavily on UBLinked this year in order to help us all comply with the various rules and regulations.  A representative from UBLinked gave a tutorial on the site at the GSA Board of Directors meeting on September 8thHere is that portion of the meeting for everyone’s future reference.

Highlights for planning an in person activity:

  1. Submit an event request through your club’s UBLinked page.  Make sure to include the link to the GSA Liability Waiver in the event description.  The GSA Liability waiver has been made into a digital form and has been pre-loaded on every GSA club’s UBLinked homepage.  Make sure to cap the maximum number of RSVP spots allowable accordingly based on the occupancy limitations of the space and the current capacity guidelines at the time of your event.
  2. Once the event has been approved by the University and EH&S, requisition requests can then be submitted to GSA for review and approval (if necessary).
  3. If you will be charging admission for your event, make sure to contact the UB Ticket Office to set up the sale at least 7 days in advance.  Clubs are NOT allowed to collect money from students or community members without utilizing the UB Ticket Office for any reason.
  4. Have students RSVP and complete the GSA Liability Waiver via UBLinked if they plan to attend a free event.  Note that they will need to be logged into UBLinked and registered as a club member to access this information.  For paid events, the GSA Liability Waiver will be posted by the UB Ticket Office as a requirement for purchasing a ticket online.
  5. Officers and/or event organizers will need to verify that every participant has RSVP’d/purchased a ticket in advance and completed a GSA Liability Waiver before they can admit them to an event.  The UBLinked Event Pass App must be used to check students in at each event.  GSA will be checking these attendance lists against liability waiver lists for all in person events before releasing any payments/reimbursements.

If you have any questions about the new policies or guidelines, please reach out to the GSA office for assistance well in advance.  The process for getting an in person event pre-approved can take several weeks, so please make sure to plan accordingly!

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Suicide Prevention Week

Make a difference by attending events during Suicide Prevention Week (SPW),
from September 5-11.


  • Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness for Mental Wellness will be offered virtually on Zoom on Tuesday, Sept. 7 from 2-3 p.m. This workshop will provide education surrounding the benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness to increase mental wellness. Experiential examples of movement and breath work will be provided to assist participants in developing their own home practice.
  • Yoga for Student Well-being will be offered in-person in 228 Student Union and via Zoom on Tuesday, Sept. 7 from 6-7 p.m. This live and online yoga class consists of yoga postures/movements, meditation, and breath awareness to maintain balance and overall wellness through the challenges of the semester.
  • Growing at UB will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m in the Student Union Lobby. Planting, growing and caring for plants can reduce stress and create a sense of grounding and calm. This type of self-care supports positive mental health by building resilience, growth and creating balance. Please join us to create a planter, connect with others and Grow together at UB.
  • Open QPR will be offered on Thursday, Sept. 9 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. virtually on Zoom. This free training assists participants in learning to recognize the warning signs of suicide and ways to effectively help someone in need.
  • Quit Smoking/Vaping Drop-in Clinic will be held on Thursday, Sept. 9 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in 114 Student Union or in Zoom by request. Email sd62@buffalo.edu to schedule a Zoom meeting. Whether you smoke or vape, quitting isn’t easy. At UB, we can offer you tools to help you quit so you can feel better and save money.  At this free, weekly drop-in clinic, we’ll help you: make a plan to quit smoking/vaping, get support as you’re trying to quit, cope with stress, control your personal smoking/vaping triggers, and/or get nicotine patches or gum (after a smoking/vaping cessation check-in session).
  • Resistance and Resilience: Self-care Skills for Students of Color Experiencing Racism will be offered virtually on Zoom on Friday, Sept. 10 from 1-2 p.m. This workshop acknowledges the detrimental impact of racism on society as a whole, but particularly for People of Color. This virtual workshop aims to provide education, support, and skills to empower Students of Color impacted by racism and White supremacy. The goal is to offer tools for self-care and coping, while also empowering Students of Color to challenge the status quo.
  • A Drop-in Meditation Group will be offered on Friday, Sept. 10 from 3-4 p.m. in 210 Student Union and via Zoom (password: Hannah).  The benefits of practicing meditation include reduced stress, improved sleep, and a more focused mind.  This weekly group teaches the fundamentals of mindfulness and meditation, and provides students with a variety of meditation techniques from different guest presenters. The group can reinforce your desire for a daily practice or help you expand your skills, and will connect you with other students that meditate to share tips and common challenges. All experience levels are welcome, but no experience is necessary.  We welcome students from all religious and non-religious traditions.

The annual American Foundation from Suicide Prevention Buffalo Out of the Darkness Walk at Canalside will take place on Saturday, Sept. 18 at 8:30 a.m. Please join our UB Walkin’ team.

UB Counseling Groups – Fall 2021

UB Counseling Groups – Fall 2021

In order to participate in a group, students must complete a Needs Assessment with a UBCS counselor. All groups are virtual for Fall 2021. Contact Counseling Services for more information.

Identity-Based Support Groups

Students of Color Support Group – Wednesdays 2:00-3:30 pm 

This semi-structured support group is committed to providing an affirming space for Students of Color to reflect on their experiences at a Predominately White Institution. In this group, we recognize the unique challenges of Students of Color and aim to foster a community for students to give voice to their experiences, gain support, and develop healthy coping strategies. Topics explored in this group include but are not limited to: navigating microaggressions, feelings of isolation, imposter syndrome, family/social relationships, and maintaining healthy self-care in the current socio-political climate.

LGBTQIA+ Support Group – Thursdays  2:30-4:00 pm 

This is a group for students who are questioning or exploring their gender identity and/or their sexual identity. It is also for students who identify as gender variant, transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or queer. The goal of the group is to provide a safe, supportive and confidential forum to talk about multiple identities, coming out, relationships with family and friends, dating, academics, transitioning, homophobia, transphobia, the “isms”, and other issues of interest to members.

Transcend – Tuesdays  3:00-4:30 pm 
This group focuses on building support, connection, and community among students who are transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and/or questioning their gender identity. The group is built to provide a safe, confidential format for students wanting a dedicated space to discuss issues relevant to being a part of the transgender community. While the agenda for each session is generally determined by group members, sample topics of focus may include: resiliency, coping with transphobia and discrimination, transitioning, pride, coming out, trans joy/gender euphoria, and the intersection of these issues with other identities (e.g., race/ethnicity).

International Student Support Group – Wednesdays  2:30-4:00 pm 
This group provides a safe, supportive, and comfortable place for international students to discuss adjustment stressors and cross-cultural experiences in the U.S. The group also creates a safe and confidential environment for group members to share information and support each other.

Graduate and Non-Traditional Student Support Group – Tuesdays  1:30-3:00 pm 

This group is designed to allow graduate and non-traditional students to explore the unique challenges they face in a safe and supportive environment. It can help students explore their identity, find new ways of relating to others, recognize how stressors impact them, and share personal experiences. The group can assist students in finding alternative ways of looking at life’s challenges to enable the development of healthier coping strategies.

Understanding Self and Others Groups

Connections – Mondays 3:00-4:30 pm 
This group provides a warm, supportive, and confidential environment that will allow students to experiment constructively with new ways of relating to others, share personal experiences, express fears and concerns, and get support and feedback while learning from each other. Reasons for participation may include having difficulties in relationships, being in relationships that are not satisfying, being curious about how others perceive you, and seeking support when experimenting with new interpersonal skillsets.

Grief Support Group – Tuesdays 3:00-4:30 pm
This virtual support group is designed for students who have lost a loved one through death.  The overall mission is to provide space, acceptance and support for students to mourn the loss of their loved one and to acknowledge the many feelings associated with grief and loss. This semi-structured support group will provide information on unique and different styles of grieving, as well as challenges of grieving. The group will also provide a space to discuss helpful strategies to support each student in their unique grief journey.

Skill-Based Groups

Coping Skills – Thursdays 1:00-2:30 pm
This structured group will teach skills to live in the present, deal with stress, manage difficult emotions, and handle interpersonal conflict in effective ways.

Body Image/Eating Concerns Group – Wednesdays 1:30-3:00 pm
A structured female only group for students who want to explore their relationship with body image concerns (including size, weight and other body insecurities) as well as concerns with food (shame and negative self-talk surrounding food intake, calorie counting, bingeing, purging, restricting, overexercising, etc).  Individuals with eating concerns, eating disorders or disordered/disrupted eating patterns as well as those with body image concerns would be eligible. It is beneficial for students who are in various stages of preoccupation with food and body size. This group will teach skills to live in the present, deal with stress, manage difficult emotions, and handle interpersonal conflict. It will also assist clients in connecting with and living in their bodies more effectively. Group members have to be in individual therapy concurrently.

Emotional Wellness – Wednesdays 2:00-3:30 pm
*** 5-week group, offered twice during the semester***
This structured group will provide students with education and coping strategies to help with stress, anxiety, and mood management.  Some of the topics covered may include self-care, relaxation and effective stress management, coping with anxiety in healthy ways, and increasing positive emotions.

Getting Unstuck: Tools for Academic Success – Wednesdays 1:00-2:30 pm
*** 5-week group, offered twice during the semester***
Are you feeling stuck in your studying – finding yourself easily distracted or procrastinating? This group teaches psychological tools to help students better manage the thoughts and feelings that can negatively impact academic functioning, and helps students to act more in line with their academic goals.

Mindfulness-Based Groups

Mindful Self-Compassion – Mondays  1:00-2:30 pm 
Self-compassion involves being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate. Self-compassion is the opposite of ignoring our pain or punishing ourselves with self-judgment. Research suggest that the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion can help people regulate emotions, engage in healthy self-care, and respond to adversity in resilient ways. This group will help students learn the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion in order to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and life challenges in healthy and balanced ways.

Yoga to Manage Moods – Thursdays 12:00-1:00 pm 
   *** 5-week group, offered twice during the semester***
A co-ed Hatha Yoga group that provides a holistic approach to mood and symptom management.  Using a combination of gentle physical poses, breathing and relaxation techniques, this group allows participants to feel more connected and balanced within the body and mind.  A trauma sensitive, person-centered approach will be utilized and no previous yoga experience is necessary.

For more information, Contact Counseling Services

GSA Office Hours and Procedures for the Start of the Fall Semester

Please note that as of Monday, August 30th the GSA office staff will be back to working on campus.  However, due to the increasing COVID transmission rates we will be keeping the office door closed throughout the day.  We encourage all students to continue to submit questions and paperwork via email whenever possible. You are also still welcome to slide paperwork under the office door, or campus mail it to 310 Student Union Buffalo, NY 14260.  Staff will also be available any time during regular business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm, closed for lunch 1:00 – 2:00pm daily) for meetings via Zoom.  You may also call the office at 645-2960. To set up an appointment with the GSA Director of Operations, please use Calendly at https://calendly.com/slfrankgsa.  If an in person meeting becomes absolutely necessary, arrangements will be made accordingly on a case by case basis.

Call for Participants ~ Study on International Students from Southeast Asia


My name is Pavanam. I am an international student studying at Adler University, Chicago. I am currently completing my doctoral dissertation on the acculturative experiences of Southeast Asian graduate level international students studying in the USA. I am writing to inquire if my study may be posted on any of your listservs, Facebook group or distributed within your social network.

I am in the midst of recruiting graduate level international students from these countries (Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Brunei, and the new nation of East Timor (formerly part of Indonesia) as participants for my study. Participation is by only completing a survey! Here is the link to the survey: https://adler.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Ev4LQ1kELi7R4x

I have attached a letter detailing my dissertation. Please let me know if you need more information or have any questions pertaining to the study.

I look forward to hearing from you. Stay safe and well.


Pavanam Sasha Valuyeetham

4th year PsyD student in Clinical Psychology

Adler University, Chicago


Call for Volunteers~ Graduate Center Exploratory Committee Members

You may be aware that the Graduate School has been working with Student Life on the idea of dedicated space on North and South Campus for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. The space would house services specifically for graduate students (for example, counseling, writing support, professional development and career services) and would also include spaces for studying, networking, and other like activities.

The Graduate School is looking for 2 students who would be interested in serving on an exploratory committee for this purpose.  The committee will further develop the concept, develop a high level design, and sketch resources needed to construct and maintain a space.

Any interested students should contact the GSA President, J Coley, in order to be nominated.


Teaching with Technology Webinars

Register at: library.buffalo.edu/workshops

Additional Information at: buffalo.edu/edc/current_events.html

Offered as a collaborative event sponsored by the UB Educational Design Collaborative (UB EDC), UB Libraries, UB Information Technology (UBIT), the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI), and various UB Schools and units.

Engaging Students in Large Classes (Faculty Panel Session) Thurs. July 8 10am to 11am
Selecting Emerging Technologies to Support
Your Instructional Goals
Tues. July 13 1pm to 2pm
A Piazza picnic — Your Frequently Asked Questions
(and  more) finally Answered!
Weds. July, 14 11am to noon
Integrating UB Libraries Library Liaisons, Research Guides, and Roadmaps into Your Course Thurs. July 15 10am to 11am
A Streamlined UB Learns Course Layout and Design
for Online and Face-to-Face Courses
Mon. July 19 10am to 11am
Using Zoom for Online Proctoring Tuesday, July 20 10am to 11am
Creating and Sharing Course Videos Weds. July 21 10am to 11am
Implementing Social Annotation with Hypothesis in Your Courses Thurs. July 22 10am to 11:30am
Universal Design for Learning: Making Your Teaching Work for Everyone Tues. July 27 1pm to 2pm
Journaling for Reflection Weds. July 28 1pm to 2pm
Libraries Ed Tech Services for Instructional Support Thurs. July 29 10am to 11am
Using UB ePortfolios for Student Reflection Tues. Aug. 3 10am to 11 am
Using WIKIs for Authentic Learning Tues. Aug. 3 1pm to 2pm
Speaking Their Language: Using Discord to Connect with Students Weds. Aug. 4 11am to noon
End of Summer Get Together in the Spatial VR Virtual World Thurs. Aug. 5 10am to 11am
CEI workshops – Designing and Building Online Courses Aug. 10, 11,

12, and 13

9am to noon

Download a flyer to share: bit.ly/edc-summer-2021

More UB Libraries’ workshops are available: library.buffalo.edu

Address questions to: ubedc@buffalo.edu




GSA’s New Associate Director of Operations

GSA would like to welcome Diane Staly to the GSA Team!  Diane was recently hired as the GSA’s new Associate Director of Operations and will be working to assist students and clubs with all of their needs.  Diane spent many years working at Sub Board I, Inc. before moving over to FSA in order to assist with the UB student governments’ transition to the new fiscal agent in 2019.  We hope you all will join us in offering her a very warm welcome!