Sanvello is geared towards helping individuals deal with stress, anxiety and depression. Practitioners can use the app with their clients to develop coping skills and meditative guidance towards their goals. The user begins with a “check-in” which assesses their; stress, anxiety and depression levels from the previous week. The user can then select three areas of interest allowing the app to create personalized modules based off of their selected goals. In addition to a personalized program, there is a community room which allows interaction with others. Within the app one has the ability to interact with their provider through homework assignments.
Version: 8.0.1 (iOS) 8.0.3 (Android)
Compatibility: Available for iOS and Android
Price: Free but subscriptions are available.
Target Audience: Practitioners working with individuals seeking to increase mindfulness practices.
Bottom Line: Sanvello is an app that offers resources for people who would like to learn more about mindfulness, assistance with goal setting, DBT skills and aids in therapeutic work between the practitioner and client.
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Features and Options:
Sanvello’s main features include programs that are designed based off of the goals the user has selected to focus on. Each module includes homework assignments that build off of each other.
The user can select up to three topic areas they would like to focus on and the app then designs individualized modules based off of the category selections. Each module has the following components; The Basics, an introduction to the lesson for those without prior knowledge of DBT/ CBT skills; Watch, psychoeducational videos teaching the upcoming therapeutic exercise; Listen, audio step-by-step instructions for the upcoming exercise; Track, the writing exercise assigned for that particular lesson; Meditate, a guided meditation for grounding skills after the writing prompt.
The app gives examples of how to change the narrative of a destructive thought to a positive one utilizing CBT techniques. Sanvello has an impressive tools section which consist of the user being able to utilize various journaling exercises. The user can select an exercise based off of what they find useful at the time. For example, a user can select “Rethink”, here the user journals thoughts that arise allowing them to go through a list of DBT and CBT descriptions to see if their thoughts contain distortions. The final step of the exercise allows the user to reframe their thoughts to a more productive narrative.
A clinician has the ability to be a member of the app. With a paid subscription the clinician can assign homework, check on the client’s progress and also engage in an online chat with them.
Sanvello’s additional features include a Community Forum and Guided Meditations. In the Community Forum users can share their life experiences and have discussions about mental health topics. In Guided Meditations users can find meditations on various topics such as school stress, breathing and so forth.
Practice Implications:
Sanvello is an app that offers resources for behavioral specialists to assist them in their DBT / CBT interventions with clients. Practitioners are able to assign homework, monitor client progress and communicate with clients through a chat forum. These functions will allow the practitioner to aid their clients in between sessions and help guide the clients through the therapeutic process.
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Device used for this review: iPad and desktop computer