GSA South Campus Office Closed

GSA South Campus Satellite Office 302 Abbott Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo

The GSA South Campus Office will be closed on Tuesday, October 23rd.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Take Back the Night

Student Union Buffalo, NY, United States

A new take on Take Back The Night, a brief moment of silence in honor of victims of sexual violence in the Student Union Lobby, followed by a short march … Continue reading Take Back the Night

Finance Committee Meeting

GSA Conference Room 310A Student Union, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States

Finance Committee meeting to review group funding requests for events to take place in November or later.

Java Junction

GSA Conference Room 310A Student Union, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States

Free Tim Horton’s coffee and doughnuts for graduate students in the GSA office.
