Name UB’s International Eatery Contest

The third phase of UB’s Heart of the Campus (HOTC-3) initiative will bring an international eatery, currently being referred to as the global market café, to one of the busiest crossroads on the North Campus in 2020.The UB student community is being asked to select a permanent name for the university’s international eatery, as planning and development of the project moves forward. So, help name this international eatery and leave your legacy at UB!

Students interested in participating in the “Name UB’s International Eatery” contest may submit entries at between Feb. 5 and 18. They can return to March 26 and April 1 to vote for their favorite name. Additional contest information, including how students can participate and prizes to be awarded, can be found at

Remember – The contest starts on Monday, Feb. 5!

The winning entry will win a grand prize of $500 in dining dollars. The entry with the second highest number of votes will win a 2 place prize of $200 in dining dollars, and the entry with the third highest number of votes will win a 3 place prize of $100 in dining dollars.  One winner chosen for each prize.  The contest is spelled out on the site if they need more info.

Also, there is an article in UBNow all about progress and some about the contest if you’d like to include it.

GSA Treasurer Vacancy Notification and Call for Nominations

Due to the resignation of Tilottama Turkar as Treasurer, there is a vacancy in the Graduate Student Association’s Executive Committee.

Please note as stated in the GSA Constitution:

“In the case of removal or resignation of any officer, said officer shall be replaced by a vote of the Senate from any willing graduate students in attendance who have attended and signed in at two Senate Meetings within the past twelve months during the meeting at which the replacement election is held.”

Effective immediately, there is a call for nominations to permanently fill this position.

If you have any questions regarding this position, please feel free to contact the GSA President, Tanja Aho at or Vice President at

Call for Papers ~ Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference

27th Annual

Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference

March 16-17, 2018

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, New York

Call for Papers

The Graduate History Association (GHA) of the University at Buffalo announces the 27th Annual Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference.  This conference aims to enable students and scholars from across North America to share current research with fellow students and faculty members from a variety of fields, including History, Political Science, Anthropology, Classics, English, Comparative Literature, American Studies, Caribbean Studies, Transnational Studies, Geography, Gender Studies, Disability Studies, Religious Studies, and Urban Studies.

We seek original papers that explore the currents of contemporary scholarship and analyze a wide range of historical topics, time periods, and geographic locations.  Similarly, we encourage proposals that draw from diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to enrich the exchange of ideas at our conference.  For the 27th Annual Plesur Conference, we are especially seeking research that addresses the theme of “Rediscovering Oceanus: 21st Century Approaches to the Atlantic World.”  Broadly interpreted, this theme seeks to bring historical perspective to issues related – but not limited to – colonialism, imperialism, trade, the environment, immigration and migration, and all cultures with ties to the Atlantic World.  Work that employs multi-disciplinary approaches is especially encouraged.

We are pleased to announce that, in partnership with the University at Buffalo Department of History Speakers’ Committee, our 2018 Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Robert Deal, Associate Professor of History and Director of Graduate Studies at Marshall University.  Dr. Deal earned his PhD in History from Temple University after earning his law degree from Villanova University.  His most recent publication is The Law of the Whale Hunt: Dispute Resolution, Property Law, and American Whalers, 1780-1880, published by Cambridge University Press.

Proposal Instructions

Please send your proposal, consisting of a 250-word abstract (including main argument and methodology), CV, school or other affiliation, and contact information to

The deadline for paper proposals is Friday, January 26, 2018.

Accepted proposals will be notified by email in mid-February.

Non-UB students who have papers accepted by the program committee will be eligible to request reimbursement for registration and some travel expenses when registering for the conference.

GSA Job Postings ~ Application Deadline February 9th

The GSA is currently hiring student staff positions for the Spring 2018 semester.  Descriptions of the Webmaster and Assistant Programming Coordinator positions are attached.  If you are interested in either of these postings, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Connor Walters, at by Friday, February 9th in order to be considered.  Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students who have paid their mandatory student activity fee and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.


Fellowships and Scholarships January Boot Camp for PhD Students

Fellowships and Scholarships January Boot Camp for PhD Students

Do you have an interest in learning more about funding opportunities for graduate-level work, research or dissertation funding? Will you be in Buffalo during winter break?

The Office of Fellowships and Scholarships will be hosting a three day boot camp in January to help you prepare competitive applications. You will learn more about how to apply for funding and what review panels are looking for. You will spend time writing a personal statement and/or research proposal.

Sessions will be held from 9am to 11am on Tuesday, January 16, Wednesday, January 17 and Thursday, January 18. Students are requested to commit to all three sessions.

To be considered for this program, students must complete the online application by 5pm EST on Monday, January 8:

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Fellowships and Scholarships at