UB Brand Compliance Request

University Communications has been working to ensure brand compliance when it comes to institutional trademarks, both in name and visual applications. We periodically monitor usage among all members of the UB community, including any initiatives of faculty, staff or students. This is to avoid any legal issues using protected trademarks unofficially, as well as limit possible confusion between student and administrative or academic programming.

We are therefore requesting all student groups to monitor their properties, including websites, social media platforms, UBLinked profile listing, merchandise, and any other platforms or visuals that reference the club’s name to confirm trademarks are being used correctly and take the appropriate actions to correct any brand infringements.

Specifically, by October 1, all student groups must verify the following and take corrective action, if necessary:

  1. Review/correct club name
    1. Read through student club naming guidance
    2. Do not use University at Buffalo or UBuffalo in club name
  2. Review/correct club mark or logo
    1. Read through student club guidance
    2. The spirit mark template is the only permissible trademark for use in club logos
    3. If the club does not use the template, remove any other trademarks in club logo