Spark Video

Spark Video helps users teach lessons, promote ideas, tell stories, share journeys, and display other creations through video presentations. The app allows users to combine photos, videos, texts, and narration into seamless productions. Spark Video allows users to share their creations over Facebook, Twitter, email, iMessage, or export to a video file.

Spark Logo Create a new project screen. Add items to timline sceen. Themes Screen.

Version: 3.6.1 (iOS)

Compatibility: Available on all iOS devices

Price: Free

Target Audience: Educators, trainers, and practitioners seeking to convey material and information through creative videos.

Bottom Line: Spark Video allows users to combine images, video, text, and narration in easy-to-make video presentations.

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  • Helpful Tutorials
  • Simple Design
  • No Android version available, yet.

Features and Options:

Spark Video was created to help users teach lessons promote ideas, tell stories, share journeys, and display other creations through video presentations. To use the app, the user must create an Adobe account. With an account, the user can access any of their creations, or “Stories,” over an IOS device or web browser.

When the user first opens the app, he or she is offered tutorials regarding how to use the app and start creating. The user can view other users’ creations under the “Inspiration” tab, access their Stories under the “My Videos” tab, or get right to work by selecting the “+.”

When a user creates a Story, they begin by listing the title of or idea behind the Story. Next, the user can choose a template or start a Story from scratch. Either way, the user works on their Story frame by frame. Each frame can have video, text, photos, or graphics (“icons”). Videos and photos can be uploaded from the device, Google Drive, Facebook, or other mediums. Spark Video also provides a library of basic graphics and icons. The user can also layer narration over the items, recorded through the device’s microphone.

The user is also offered one of nine background themes. Background music can be chosen from the user’s ITunes library or from the songs on the app. The video can be accessed, edited, or shared at any point from the “My Videos” tab. Spark Video connects with Facebook, Twitter, email, and iMessage. A finished project could also be exported to a video file for additional sharing options. At this time, there is no limit to the number of Spark Videos a user can create and publish.

Spark Video is one of the many features of Adobe Spark, along with Spark Post – for creating graphics – and Spark Page – for creating web pages. Adobe Spark is free but packages with more features are available for purchase.

Practice Implications:

Spark video could be used by educators to convey complex ideas through eye catching presentations. The app could also be used as an assignment, asking students to create presentations sharing a field experience or research project. It could also be a tool for clinical trainers, seeking to communicate techniques to their trainees. Finally, practitioners could use this app as an inventive way to complete case reviews.

Privacy Policy:

Information about Spark Video’s privacy policy can be accessed at:


Device used for this review: iPad


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