South Campus Siesta Student Survey

Dear UB Graduate Students at South Campus:

The GSA Programming Coordinators are asking for you input in the planning of next year’s South Campus Siestas.  Please complete the survey using the link below in order to assist us in determining your preferences for date(s), time(s) and food options.  Thank you for your time, we truly value your input!

GSA Summer Office Hours

Please note that the GSA office will be operating on Summer Hours from May 16th to August 26th.

Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm (closed for lunch daily 1:00 – 2:00pm)

Closed on Fridays

Closed Monday, July 4th for Independence Day observance.

The GSA South Campus Satellite Office will remain open on Tuesdays 9:00am – 4:00pm (closed for lunch 12:00 – 1:00pm)

Closed Tuesday, August 9th

GSA Election Results

The GSA Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the 2016-2017 GSA Officer Elections:


Tanja Aho: 262
Holly Keily: 233
Dijana Savija: 211
(63 abstentions)

Vice President:

Amy Miu: 258
Ajeya Anand: 222
Grace Ong: 174
(115 abstentions)


Anastasia Stepanova: 420
Jennifer Schechter: 222
(127 abstentions)

These elected candidates will officially take office as of June 1, 2016.


GSA Election Committee

Kevin Stout (EC Chair)
Robert Azaretto (EC)
Alexandra Agostinelli  (EC)
Sathish Kasilingam (EC)
Tejas Purandare (EC)

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Fellowship Program


Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival
March 31-April 3, 2016, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Fellows program brings outstanding doctoral students from groups underrepresented in higher education to Ithaca College for four days to participate in screenings, lectures, and workshops within an engaging, interdisciplinary environment.

The festival fellows engage Ithaca College faculty and students from across campus as well as with festival guests to explore linkages between sustainable development, globalization, race, ethnicity and gender in order to stimulate new research and thinking in the areas of sustainability.

Doctoral students from a wide variety of disciplines are encouraged to apply for a FLEFF Fellowship. The fellowship covers transportation (up to $500 for air fare), shared accommodations, meals in Ithaca and a festival pass.

Applicants should submit a CV and a personal essay. The essay should explain how attending FLEFF might enhance your education and how the theme of the 2015 Festival, LANDSCAPES, may relate to your academic or professional interests. Applicants who are at least in the third year of a doctoral program will be given preference.

The essays and CV should be emailed to: More information about FLEFF is available at:

Fellowship applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Early applications are encouraged but fellowships are still available. Contact Person: FLEFF Fellowship Coordinator, Professor Warren Schlesinger