GSA Office Winter Break Schedule

Winter Break

The GSA Office Winter Break Schedule will be as follows:

  • Office open through Monday, December 21st
  • Office closed Tuesday, December 22nd – Friday, January 8th
  • Office on Summer Hours Monday, January 11th – Friday, January 22nd
    • Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm, Closed on Fridays
  • Office closed Monday, January 18th for MLK Jr. Day (University Closed)
  • Regular Business Hours resume Monday, January 25th

NRC Research Associateship Programs

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has announced opportunities for postdoctoral, senior and graduate fellowship awards in the 2016 NRC Research Associateship Programs. The news release for these programs is attached. Please pass this information on to your trainees.

Detailed program information, including instructions on how to submit applications, a list of participating laboratories and their locations, and areas of research, can be found on the website – Prior to applying, prospective applicants must contact Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s) to discuss their research interests. Applicants are invited to contact the Fellowships Office at 202-334-2760 or if additional information or assistance is required.


Call for Peer Reviewers ~ Chronika (Deadline December 15th)

We are now taking submissions for peer reviewers for Chronika Volume 6. If you are interested in being involved with Chronika but haven’t published a paper with us, this is a great way to start. You could be contacted for this or an article in a future issue, depending on whether an article matches your research topics. Please take a look at the attached form and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me. First drafts will be done in a few weeks, so please send me the form by December 15 if interested. Thanks!


Britta Spaulding
Chronika Editor-in-Chief


DHS HS-STEM 2016 Summer Internship Program

The Department of Homeland Security sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. The program provides students with quality research experiences at federal research facilities located across the country and allows students the opportunity to establish connections with DHS professionals.

Graduate Students receive a $700 stipend per week plus travel expenses

Undergraduate Students receive a $600 stipend per week plus travel expenses

Areas of research: Engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological / life sciences, environmental science, emergency and incident management, social sciences, and many more.

10-week research experiences are offered at: Coast Guard Research and Development Center ● Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute ● Customs and Borders Protection ● Engineer Research and Development Center ● Federal Emergency Management Agency ● National Security Technologies ● National Urban Security Technology Laboratory ● Naval Research Laboratory ● Transportation Security Laboratory ● DOE National Laboratories: Argonne, Berkeley, Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Sandia

How to Apply: Applications and supporting materials must be submitted at

Detailed information about the internships can be found at

National Institute of Justice Fellowships

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is looking for doctoral students with innovative research that aims to solve problems faced by criminal justice practitioners. Apply to be part of one of NIJ’s Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) programs. The deadline is December 15.

For doctoral students in social and behavioral sciences (SBS), NIJ awards up to $32,000 in stipend and research support.

For doctoral students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), students can receive stipends of $35,000 as well as up to $15,000 annually to cover tuition and research expenses. Up to three years of support are possible, with demonstration of continued enrollment and satisfactory progress.

Learn more about the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship. Deadline: Dec. 15, 2015.

View a flier for the Graduate Fellowship Opportunity in STEM.

View a flier for the Graduate Fellowship Opportunity in SBS.

Additionally, NIJ’s W.E.B Du Bois Fellowship will be open early next year. The fellowship is for research that emphasizes crime, violence and the administration of justice in diverse cultural contexts. Learn more about that opportunity here.

For up-to-date information about NIJ’s funding opportunities, subscribe to our email list.

William A. Ford
Research Division Director
Office of Science and Technology
National Institute of Justice
US Department of Justice
(Desk) 202-353-9768
(Cell) 202-598-9484

The National Institute of Justice — the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice — is dedicated to improving knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues through science. NIJ provides objective and independent knowledge and tools to reduce crime and promote justice.

To view the NAFA [SCHLRSHP] listserv archives or to unsubscribe from the listserv, click on (or type)

Diplomacy & Diversity Fellowship

Diplomacy & Diversity Fellowship

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to announce that applications for the 2016 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship are now open! The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a transatlantic educational program for American and European graduate students.

The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship

When: May 29 – June 26, 2016
Where: Washington, Berlin and Warsaw
Who’s Eligible: Graduate students and recent graduates of universities in the United States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine
Application Deadline: January 13, 2016

Humanity in Action invites applications from students enrolled in graduate or advanced professional programs, including programs for masters, doctorates, MDs, JDs, MBAs and other graduate degrees. Applicants should seek to build careers in foreign policy, diplomacy and government service, international development, trade and business, NGOs and other international fields. Veterans and candidates of minority backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows are eligible to apply if they meet the other criteria of eligibility.

About the Program

The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a collaborative, transatlantic educational program on international relations and global diversity. The Fellowship is designed to develop leadership skills and knowledge among graduate students aspiring to careers in foreign policy. Over four weeks, 24 American and European graduate students meet with leaders in government, business and academia to discuss contemporary global challenges.

Fellows play an active role in the program by leading discussions, introducing speakers and sharing research. This is a collaborative undertaking which builds upon the capacity of Fellows to challenge and advance their own knowledge, perspectives and attitudes towards complex international issues. Speakers in the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship are leaders, experts and practitioners from foreign ministries and governmental agencies, international NGOs, universities, the private sector, think tanks, media outlets and foreign policy organizations. Speakers have included:

•Karen Donfried, President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States
• Geneviève Garrigos, President of Amnesty International France
• Ron Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL
• Peter Neumann, Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation
• Clara Gaymard, President of General Electric France
• Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference and former German Ambassador to the United States
• Cem Özdemir, National Chairman of the German Green Party
• Éric Chevallier, former French Ambassador to Syria
• Vishakha Desai, former President of the Asia Society
After the formal program, the Fellows research and write essays on contemporary issues in international relations that relate to diversity or pluralism. Humanity in Action publishes a compilation of the essays.

Humanity in Action’s Mission and Network
Humanity in Action Fellowship programs seek to educate, connect and inspire the world’s future leaders to be responsible citizens in the broadest range of fields – government and diplomacy, journalism, entrepreneurship and trade, grassroots activism, academia and culture and the arts.

Upon successful completion of these programs, Fellows will join the global network of over 1,500 Humanity in Action Senior Fellows. As Senior Fellows, they are eligible for advanced professional and educational opportunities, such as fellowships in the United States Congress and the European Parliament and study trips and professional trainings in cities like Detroit, Berlin, Athens and Kigali.

We hope that you will consider applying for this program and that you will share this Call for Applications widely with your colleagues and contacts. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at


Judith S. Goldstein, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Humanity in Action