Fellowships & Scholarships for Graduate Students


Fellowships and Scholarships for Graduate Students

This workshop will introduce graduate students to fellowships and scholarships for graduate-level work
as well as research and dissertation funding. The session will provide information and strategies to
maximize your success in pursuing these opportunities.

Open to all graduate students.


  • Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017, at 3 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall
  • Friday, March 3, 2017, at 3 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall

2017 Student Union Club Space Allocation

Attached is the memo regarding the Student Union Space Allocation Process for all clubs and organizations.

This year we are opening up the process to all clubs and organizations on campus, including Graduate Student Association.

The Student Union Space Application will need to be completed using UBLinked and submitted by March 6th by 4:00pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Johnny Garcia, Mike Odojewski, or myself at 645-2055.


SBI Spring Programming Grants Now Available!

Spring 2017 SBI Programming Grant applications are due Monday, February 20th!

All grant applications must include the signature of the GSA Treasurer in order to be considered, so please make sure to bring all applications to the GSA office (310 Student Union) by Friday, February 17th at 4:30pm in order for them to be signed.

“The primary purpose of the Programming Grant is to fund programs that further the quality of student life, and enrich the educational, cultural and social experiences at the University at Buffalo. In light of these goals, organizations that receive awards are to use them to launch new programs, expand existing programs, or produce publications.”

Grants of up to $3,000.00 may be awarded to any recognized university affiliated student organization.

The application is attached here, and hard copies can be picked up from the GSA Office (310 Student Union) or the SBI Office (341 Student Union). The deadline for submission is Monday, February 20th at 4:30 p.m. Please note that this is a rigid deadline, after which grant applications will not be accepted.

SBI Programming Grant Notifications will be distributed to the grant applicants by Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30pm.

Fellowship in Health Disparities at UAlbany Open to SUNY Students

February 1, 2017


To:   SUNY Campus Presidents and Chief Academic Officers

From:    Alexander N. Cartwright, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Subject:  Fellowship Opportunity at UAlbany – Deadline 2/17/17

I am pleased to share some news about a prestigious Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities that your campus’s undergraduate and masters students may pursue.

In Spring 2016, the National Institutes of Health awarded the University at Albany a $10 million health disparities endowment grant. A cornerstone of this historic award is the creation of a fellowship program for students from minority and underserved populations interested in pursuing doctoral degree studies in any field, while simultaneously receiving supplementary, transdisciplinary training in health disparities.

As you well know, one of the greatest national public health challenges facing our country today is the lack of scientists, healthcare professionals, and researchers from diverse backgrounds trained and working to understand and eliminate health disparities–a serious concern facing a number of campuses across SUNY as well.  The Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities program based at UAlbany will go far to help close this gap, while fortifying our collective efforts throughout our SUNY family to enhance the recruitment of doctoral students from minority populations and underrepresented groups.

I am so pleased we can open the opportunity across campuses and write today to encourage you to promote and raise the visibility of the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities program to undergraduate and master-level students from diverse backgrounds across your campus community. This pioneering transdisciplinary training program will afford students with a wide-range of academic, research and experiential learning opportunities including:

  • Training through placements in research labs, community groups, NGOs, state/local health departments
  • Participation in a national conference on health disparities hosted by the University at Albany President
  • Engagement with local community health taskforces
  • Ph.D./doctoral degree in academic program spanning UAlbany’s offerings
  • Receipt of a Health Disparities Graduate Certificate
  • Mentoring by an experienced and trusted Ph.D. advisor, together with four (4) rotational mentors for experiential learning placements
  • Dedicated writing & statistical support
  • Rich engagement with junior and senior-level faculty in health disparities.
  • Part of a learning community which is home to one of the leading research and training hubs for health disparities in the northeastern United States.

At this time, the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities program is recruiting a wide range of high achieving, students from underrepresented groups from across the SUNY System.  By being named aPresidential Doctoral Fellow, a student will receive a broad array of financial benefits including full tuition and fees, $18,000 in compensation, a personal computer, travel support to national professional meetings, membership in health disparities related professional association(s), and more.

In order for students on your campus – both in-state and out-of-state – to apply to this distinguished doctoral level fellowship program, they must be well prepared for doctoral study and a member of a minority population or an underrepresented group.  If your campus has students interested in the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities, they must apply before the application deadline of February 21, 2017, and concurrently apply for admission into a UAlbany Ph.D./doctoral program starting in Fall 2017.

Please find below informational weblinks to the fellowship webpage, application, brochure, and flyer to share and help promote the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship for Research Training in Health Disparities program across your campus community:

Copy:    Vice Chancellor Wang

Vice Presidents for Research

Versatile PhD Spring 2017 Career Panel Discussions


Dear Graduate Student:

It is my pleasure to introduce you to The Versatile PhD (VPhD) – the largest online community dedicated to non-academic careers for PhD graduates in humanities, social sciences and STEM fields.  As a UB graduate student, you are eligible to register for access to premium content on the VPhD website free of charge.

VPhD premium content includes authentic resumes and cover letters and inspiring bios of PhD graduates who have embarked on non-academic career paths, job listings, information on a wide variety of possible careers, and community discussion forums.

VPhD Career Panel Discussions offer detailed inside information on a wide range of specific PhD-friendly careers.  Panelists are PhD or ABD and currently employed in the career being discussed.  The discussions happen online over a five-day work week; because it is asynchronous, you can participate at any time. VPhD members may post questions and interact with the panelists through the end of the week on Friday.

Spring 2017 Career Panel Discussions

PhD Careers in Conservation
February 6-10, 2017
STEM forum

STEM PhDs can make a positive impact on the planet by working in Conservation – the protection and preservation of biodiversity, the environment, and natural resources toward sustainable use for future generations.


– An earth scientist with a long successful career at the USGS and the USDA
– A behavioral ecologist who is now a Wildlife Biologist at the US Fish & Wildlife Service
– A hydrologist working at a hydrology consulting firm
– An environmental conservationist working at a geographical software firm
– A forestry/natural resource scientist working for a major urban parks & recreation agency


PhD Careers in Think Tanks – Humanities/Social Science Edition
March 6-10, 2017
Humanities/Social Science forum

Humanities and Social Science PhDs can positively impact society by working in think tanks, non-academic research organizations that influence public policy around an important issue or cluster of issues. Think tanks hire PhDs to conduct and evaluate studies and help develop policy recommendations.


PhD Careers in Think Tanks – STEM edition
April 3-7, 2017
STEM forum

STEM PhDs can positively impact society by working in think tanks, non-academic research organizations that influence public policy around an important issue or cluster of issues. Think tanks hire PhDs to conduct and evaluate studies and help develop policy recommendations.


To get started, log in to the University at Buffalo’s VPhD portal and create your member account.

The Graduate School is pleased to provide this service in collaboration with Career Services, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and University Libraries.

Please contact us if you have any questions at gradprofessionaldevelopment@buffalo.edu.

Dr. Kait Boyle Lecture ~ Understanding Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Dr. Kait Boyle from Virginia Tech will be giving two presentations next week that might be of interest to you and/or your students. Both talks will be held in 107 Capen on Friday, February 10th. Refreshments will be provided.

2:45-3:45: Labeling and Reporting Rape on College Campuses: Interactional, Institutional Barriers and Feminist Solutions (a formal colloquium)

4:00-5:00: Trauma, Power, and the Ivory Tower: Mental Health Consequences of Campus Victimization (a more informal, discussion-based presentation)

Boyle Flyer

Joint Statement from SUNY and CUNY Student Leaders on Executive Order

January 31, 2017 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

SUNY SA Contact: Tyler McNeil, tyler.mcneil@sunysa.org

CUNY USS Contact: Donavan Borington, donavan.borington@uss.cuny.edu

SUNY Student Assembly President Marc. J. Cohen and CUNY University Student Senate Chairperson Chikaodili Onyejiukwa reaffirm their systems’ commitment to social justice and equality and call on students to speak out on the President Trump’s Executive Order, “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

“On behalf of the 1.2 million students who attend the State University of New York (SUNY) and the City University of New York (CUNY), we, the duly elected students representatives of our respective student bodies, are calling on our elected officials to take action against the discriminatory Executive Order issued by the President of the United States.

“CUNY was created out of  a strong commitment to the unique needs of a diverse urban constituency comprised of individuals from across the world looking to enhance their knowledge and experience through higher education. SUNY rests on a foundation of commitment to opportunity and access, and was designed to meet the diverse needs across a vast geographic landscape.

“Our organizations will be sharing in a ‘Call to Congress’ day occurring Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Our federal officials need to hear how directly this issue affects our students.

“We have the responsibility to act on behalf of those who cannot act for themselves. We have the responsibility to come together and stand in solidarity with our colleagues looking to pursue their education in a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments. We, along with our dedicated student leaders, are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we will stand up for justice and equality, and for the most fundamental freedoms that define American greatness.”


About the SUNY Student Assembly

The Student Assembly of the State University of New York (SUNY SA) is the recognized student government organization representing the nearly 600,000 students of the State University of New York. Comprised of student leaders elected by their peers from across SUNY’s 64 campuses, SUNY SA is committed to empowering students throughout the state, and ensuring the representation of its members on the state and national level, as well as throughout the SUNY system. Visit sunysa.org to learn more about the Student Assembly.


About the CUNY University Student Senate

The University Student Senate (USS) of the City University of New York (CUNY) is the official representative governance organization of the 500,000 students at CUNY. Founded in 1972, USS is responsible for preserving the accessibility, affordability, and excellence of higher education within the City of New York. Learn more at www.cunyuss.org