Mardi Gras

Open Bar, DJ, Food and Prizes!!

Tickets on sale now at the SBI Ticket Offices (221 Student Union and 350 Harriman Hall) for $20 each ($25 at the door if still available).  2 per UB ID.

Student Leaders Call on Senate to Pass DREAM Act, Applaud Assembly’s Initiative

February 13, 2017 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Contact: Tyler McNeil,

The SUNY Student Assembly applauds the State Assembly for passing the “DREAM Act” early last week. If approved by the Senate and signed into law by Governor Cuomo, this legislation will benefit the thousands of SUNY students who are undocumented, many of whom were brought to the United States as infants with no say in the matter.

The DREAM Act will allow undocumented New York students the promise of an affordable education, and greater legal protections as they pursue a future in the only country most of them have ever known as home.

This is the fifth time the Assembly has passed a version of the DREAM Act. Each time the Senate has taken no action to move the initiative forward.

We strongly urge the State Senate to finally take up and approve this Act so that all SUNY students can feel safe and secure on their campuses, knowing that they have equal access to all benefits provided to New Yorkers. The Student Assembly stands with our students, and the Senate should too. Top of Form


About the SUNY Student Assembly

The Student Assembly of the State University of New York (SUNY SA) is the recognized student government organization representing the nearly 600,000 students of the State University of New York. Comprised of student leaders elected by their peers from across SUNY’s 64 campuses, SUNY SA is committed to empowering students throughout the state, and ensuring the representation of its members on the state and national level, as well as throughout the SUNY system.

Buffalo March for Science ~ April 22nd

As many of you know – there is a national “March for Science” being hosted in Washington, DC on April 22, 2017 (Earth Day!) According to the organizers, there are marches in solidarity being planned all over the world. This is a march for fellow scientists, citizens, and those concerned about the welfare of our world.

In support of this national (and non-partisan) march – we have started a local group to host a “sister” march in conjunction with the march in DC. And your help is needed to join, support and spread the word so that OUR voice is heard around the world. To add a twist to our march, an Educational Outreach component is being planned. To assist in this aspect, the organizing committee is looking for those who have educational programs already in place that may benefit from this joining of minds and connection to volunteers or would like to help create such programs. Our hope is that this portion will lead to an exchange of ideas, knowledge and learning that will extend beyond just a one day march. We are also looking to highlight local scientists and research going on here in Buffalo on our websites in a language that is understandable to the public. If you have research that could be featured – please reach out!

Check out our official website:

Please consider joining our official Facebook page ( our private Facebook group (, follow our twitter page (@march4scibuff), and as always you can reach the local organizers via email (

See you on April 22nd!

Fellowships & Scholarships for Graduate Students


Fellowships and Scholarships for Graduate Students

This workshop will introduce graduate students to fellowships and scholarships for graduate-level work
as well as research and dissertation funding. The session will provide information and strategies to
maximize your success in pursuing these opportunities.

Open to all graduate students.


  • Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017, at 3 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall
  • Friday, March 3, 2017, at 3 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall

2017 Student Union Club Space Allocation

Attached is the memo regarding the Student Union Space Allocation Process for all clubs and organizations.

This year we are opening up the process to all clubs and organizations on campus, including Graduate Student Association.

The Student Union Space Application will need to be completed using UBLinked and submitted by March 6th by 4:00pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Johnny Garcia, Mike Odojewski, or myself at 645-2055.


SBI Spring Programming Grants Now Available!

Spring 2017 SBI Programming Grant applications are due Monday, February 20th!

All grant applications must include the signature of the GSA Treasurer in order to be considered, so please make sure to bring all applications to the GSA office (310 Student Union) by Friday, February 17th at 4:30pm in order for them to be signed.

“The primary purpose of the Programming Grant is to fund programs that further the quality of student life, and enrich the educational, cultural and social experiences at the University at Buffalo. In light of these goals, organizations that receive awards are to use them to launch new programs, expand existing programs, or produce publications.”

Grants of up to $3,000.00 may be awarded to any recognized university affiliated student organization.

The application is attached here, and hard copies can be picked up from the GSA Office (310 Student Union) or the SBI Office (341 Student Union). The deadline for submission is Monday, February 20th at 4:30 p.m. Please note that this is a rigid deadline, after which grant applications will not be accepted.

SBI Programming Grant Notifications will be distributed to the grant applicants by Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30pm.