Petition Against Tuition Increases


As many of you know, I have been a vocal opponent of tuition increases since day one. This year, the SUNY Board of Trustees voted (yet again) to raise tuition to the maximum legal limit. I was one of two “no” votes. This is the sixth time in seven years that tuition has been increased at our state-operated campuses, and untold times at our community colleges.

Now is the time to bring our advocacy to the state level. I released a statement yesterday detailing a provision called “Maintenance of Effort,” a commitment from the state to provide critical additional investment to SUNY schools in the future. It passed both the State Assembly and Senate with bi-partisan support. Now it’s up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign it. However, there’s a problem…

He’s vetoed this exact provision before. 

That’s why we decided to launch a statewide activism initiative starting off with this petition. In it, we call for the Governor to make good on New York’s promise of opportunity and sign this critical bill immediately. Please take 15 seconds to sign on and share.

Your commitment to this effort could be the difference between a decade of tuition hikes and finally securing some of the funding we need to thrive as a system. I’m hoping you can sign on and commit to spreading this throughout your networks. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your support in our mission to make SUNY the best it can be.

Presidents, please share this with your student governments and consider endorsing on behalf of your SGA.

Please reach out with any questions.


Marc J. Cohen

President, Student Assembly of the State University of New York
Trustee, State University of New York
Student Assembly of The State University of New York
State University Plaza – Albany, NY 12246
Tel: 518.320.1288   Fax: 518.320.1557 Twitter: @MarcCohenNY

Your Voice. Your Student AssemblyWeb Facebook Twitter

Volunteer Opportunity at Enriched Housing Program

Good day,

My name is Belinda Balan and I am responsible for the Enriched Housing Program at Ken-Ton Presbyterian Village. This senior apartment is located at 3735 Delaware Ave, Kenmore, NY 14217. We have residents from 65 years old and over. We are regulated by DOH and provide case management, personal care, nutritional services and social activities. We are looking for student groups interested in having inter-generational programs at our facility. The goal is to create meaningful relationships, have fun while learning life lessons. Anyone interested in setting up an activity and/or workshop, please feel free to contact me.

Belinda Balan

Becker Farms CSA

Wellness Education Services is helping to host the Becker Farms Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.  They will have a limited amount of free fresh produce available for students on Thursdays between 1:30 and 5:00pm on a first-come, first-served basis. There may still be some produce available on Fridays as well (lettuce, onions, kale, strawberries).  Students can stop by 114 Student Union and take anything that is available free of charge.


ABD Journal ~ Call for Papers

Dear UB Graduate Students,

ABD is an interdisciplinary student journal that was created by graduate students in the departments of Anthropology and Linguistics at the University at Buffalo. After helping produce a successful fourth volume last year, we are excited to begin accepting submissions for next year’s volume.

The theme for the upcoming volume is “Reflections on Public Engagement and the Reception of Anthropological Research”. We encourage interested graduate students from anthropology, linguistics, and other social science disciplines to submit abstracts exploring this theme. Students do not need to be from the University at Buffalo. We welcome submissions from students at other universities and encourage UB students to share this call for papers with their colleagues.

Those interested may submit an abstract of 250 words or less to Hannah Quaintance at no later than September 15, 2017. Please find the full call for papers attached.

All the best,

ABD Editors
Hannah Quaintance (editor-in-chief and archaeology editor)
Ariel Noffke (cultural anthropology editor)
Amandine Eriksen (physical/biological editor)
Stephanie Evers (linguistics editor)

GSA Job Postings for 2017-2018: Application Deadline July 3rd

The GSA is currently hiring student staff positions for the 2017-2018 academic year.  Descriptions of the various positions available are attached below.  If you are interested in any of these postings, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Amy Miu, at by Monday, July 3rd  in order to be considered.  Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students who have paid their mandatory student activity fee and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.

MDRF Director Posting

MDRF Assistant Posting

Programming Coordinator Posting

Hourly Programming Assistant Posting

Managing Editor Posting

Hourly Associate Editor Posting

Webmaster Posting



Malala Yousafzai to lead off 31st annual Distinguished Speakers Series

We have an announcement to make…

Malala Yousafzai to lead off 31st annual Distinguished Speakers Series.

“Renowned across the globe for her courage and convictions, Malala offers our university and our community the opportunity to engage with one of the foremost advocates for the education of girls and young women. Her visit to UB will mark the seventh appearance by a Nobel Peace Prize laureate in the Distinguished Speakers Series and will continue our proud tradition of bringing compelling public figures to campus to spark provocative discussions about the defining issues of our time.” – UB President Satish K. Tripathi

Human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, will open the 31st annual Distinguished Speakers Series at the University at Buffalo on Tuesday, Sept. 19, in Alumni Arena on the UB North Campus.

A champion since the age of 10 for the right for girls to receive an education, Malala made headlines when she was shoot by the Taliban in 2012 at the age of 15 while traveling home from school on the bus with her friends in Pakistan.

Now living with her family Birmingham, England, she is internationally known for her courage in refusing to be silenced and continues to campaign for the right of every child to go to school.

Malala is the co-recipient with Kailash Satyarthi of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle against the suppression of children and young people and children’s educational rights. Aged 17 at the time, she was the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate.

Earlier this year, Malala received honorary Canadian citizenship – only the sixth person, and the youngest, to receive the honor – and also became the youngest person to address the House of Commons of Canada. In addition, this year she also became the youngest person ever to become a United Nations Messenger of Peace.  Malala was named to TIME Magazine’s annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In 2012, she was the recipient of Pakistan’s first National Youth Peace Prize and the 2013 Sakharov Prize.

She is the author of “I Am Malala” (2013), an international bestseller that has been translated into 40 languages.

Following the outpouring of support that Malala received after the Taliban’s attempt on her life in 2012, she set up an international fund – the Malala fund – dedicated to help promote education for girls throughout the world.

Tickets for Malala and the series are not yet available for sale. Sale dates for series subscriptions and individual lecture tickets will be announced when the entire series schedule is set.

Call for Volunteers: MDRF Summer Review Council Members

Dear Colleague:

The Mark Diamond Research Fund (MDRF) is currently searching for graduate students to serve on the Summer 2017 review council. Additionally, we are looking for 5 alternate council members.

Your responsibilities include serving on a one review council, with adequate time to review the grant(s) you are given. It will additionally include one council meeting where you will be given a full brunch/lunch as a thank you for your time. The council will be reviewing approximately 20 applications in each meeting. Each reviewer will be asked to read three to four complete applications as a primary reviewer and six to eight summaries (abstract, budget, and budget justification, and supporting documents) as a secondary reviewer. Primary reviewers should be prepared to give a three to five minute informal presentation on each full application. Secondary reviewers should be prepared to add to the discussion.

Summer 2017 review council meetings are scheduled for:

Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
Friday, June 16, 2017 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm

If you are willing to serve on the council, please fill out this survey:

We will contact you to confirm the committee meeting you are assigned to. Please feel free to contact us at should you need more information, or have any questions.

All the best,

Jennifer Schechter, MDRF Director
Brittany Kenyon, MDRF Assistant
Graduate Student Association
310 Student Union

UB Support of Students with Care Responsibilities – An Open Letter to UB’s Administration

Dear President, Provost, Vice President for Student Life, and Deans:

As the representative of over 7,000 graduate students, and with the full support of all student government leaders representing the entire student body at the University at Buffalo, we send you a report on the status of students with care responsibilities, with a focus on parenting students. As student government leaders, we are concerned with the lack of support and the manifold access barriers that students who are parents face, especially in light of the freedom from discrimination based on familial status, marital status, and gender that UB promises under Title IX.

Based on a preliminary survey of parenting students, and as a result of conversations with key stakeholders across campus, we recommend UB implement a task force this summer whose sole purpose is to assess the access barriers that students with care responsibilities face. We call on UB to broaden its support of parenting students campus-wide by instituting a universal parental leave policy, expanding childcare assistance and hours, reducing spatial access barriers (such as the lack of lactation rooms and changing tables, as well as subsidized family-friendly on-campus housing), providing funding increases and creating an emergency loan program, and offering free or reduced family attendance at UB events and facilities. Other comparable R-1 universities offer far more support for students who are parents, and as a leader in higher education in New York state we would like to see UB continue to attract and retain the highest qualified students independent of their familial status. This can only be realized if UB reduces the access barriers that parenting students currently face.

Attached you will find a preliminary report, a plan for action, as well as student testimonials and the GSA resolution calling for support for parenting students at UB. We sincerely hope that this will propel UB’s conversation about discrimination and inclusive excellence into action, and look forward to being part of the university’s efforts to reduce access barriers for parenting students.


Tanja Aho

Tanja N. Aho
Department of Transnational Studies
PhD Candidate in American Studies
GSA President
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
310 Student Union (GSA) / 1010 Clemens Hall (TNS)
Buffalo, NY 14260