Job Posting ~ GSA Assistant Programming Coordinator

The GSA is currently hiring an Assistant Programming Coordinator for the 2019-2020 academic year.  A description of the  position is attached.  If you are interested in the posting, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Connor Walters, at by Monday, May 20th in order to be considered.  Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students who have paid their mandatory student activity fee and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.

Niagara University Student ~ Research Survey on Education

Dear students,

My name is Nouran Ajabnoor, and I am writing to ask for your help to fill out a survey that takes about 15 minutes. In exchange, you can be entered in a drawing to receive one of the $25 gift cards from Amazon.

The study is designed to gain an understanding of what motivates students to succeed in the classroom setting and how faculty could become more effective teachers. 

Your responses are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you. No identification information is being asked. Additionally, your responses are combined with those of many others and summarized in a report to further protect your anonymity.


After you fill out the survey, please email me at to tell me that you’ve completed the survey and would like to be entered into the drawing for the $25 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be selected and notified by May 20, 2019.

If you have questions, please email me at:  

GSA Officer Election Results

The GSA Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the 2019-2020 GSA Officer Elections:


Jessica Coley: 207
(42 abstentions)

Vice President:

Connor Walters: 200
(49 abstentions)


Joshua Joseph: 203
(46 abstentions)

These elected candidates will officially take office as of June 1, 2019.

Thank you to all of the graduate students who participated in these votes!


Taylor Glausen (EC Chair)

Xingyu Chen (EC)

Congying Wang (EC)

Valerie Long (EC)

Priyanka Kuchal (EC)

How will you get involved in #UBSAAM?

On Monday, April 1st we are kicking off our Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) trainings and events!  We have a month filled with opportunities to get involved here at UB, but here are a few that I hope everyone helps support:

  1. Take our SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention Campus Climate Survey!  This is your chance to have UB and SUNY hear from YOU.  All enrolled students 18+ attending classes on campus will receive an invitation from SUNY to complete the survey at your UB email address beginning April 1st.  The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and students are eligible for a randomized drawing for one of 150 $100 Amazon e-gift cards.  We hope you will dedicate some time to give your honest feedback; your participation will help make our campus community a better place to live, work, and learn.
  2.  Have your club or org join the for the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram contest
  3. Sign up for Walk A Mile 2019! You can IM us if you are interested in signing your club or org up to volunteer, or use the fundraising page to compete to raise the most funds for Crisis Services, our local rape crisis center.  Make sure you save the date: Sunday, April 28th at Harriman Hall.

GSA Policy Reminder

The GSA would like to remind club officers that personally profiting from holding office is a violation of SUNY policies. This includes, as an example, personally receiving cash or cash equivalent (e.g. gift cards) in exchange for using specific vendors for club events or for referring club members to businesses. All money coming from outside organizations or persons must go through the SBI Ticket Office or GSA co-sponsorship forms, and will be deposited in the club’s budget for the club’s use. Clubs found to be in violation will either have offending officers removed or be derecognized by the GSA, decided on a case-by-case basis. Thank you.