November Events

November Events

There’s a lot going on this month, including:

Clybourne Park ~ Road Less Traveled Productions, November 8
Inon Barnatan ~ Lippes Concert Hall Series, November 8
Malcolm Gladwell as a part of the UB Distinguished Speaker Series, November 13
War Horse at Shea’s, November 15

Free Coffee and Doughnuts:

Buffalo Film Seminar Series:

Sexual Health Research Study

Participate in a study about the sexual health of college students.

 Participation involves:

1.  a 10-minute online survey of your thoughts about sexual health topics

2.  coming to our lab for 30 minutes to complete an attention task and questionnaires

3.  receiving $10 as a thank you for taking part in the study

Sexually active students ages 18-25 eligible to participate.

For more information, please call 829-6803 or email

Sexual Health Research Study

Cafeteria Cash Study

Do you want a FREE Lunch or Dinner at UB? Participate in the “Cafeteria Cash Study” for WOMEN ages 18-60!

Participants receive a free lunch or dinner of their choice and will also be compensated ($$). The study takes place at UB and involves 2 appointments on consecutive days. Participants will complete questionnaires for about 1 hour at the first appointment, and receive a free lunch or dinner of their choice at the 2nd appointment.

Learn more and see if you’re eligible here:

or call 716-829-6819


Sabres Tickets Still Available!

There are still tickets available for the Monday, October 28th Sabres Hockey Game vs. Dallas Stars.  Tickets are on sale at the SBI Ticket Offices (221 Student Union and 350 Harriman Hall) for $20 each.  2 per UB ID.

ABD Journal ~ Call for Papers DEADLINE EXTENDED!

DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! – Now —> NOV 11th!!



Anthropology: Bachelors to Doctorates

(Not just for Anthropologists! Read Below!)


 October 14, 2013

 Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the start of our second year as the journal, Anthropology: Bachelors to Doctorates (ABD). Founded in the Anthropology Department of the State University of New York at Buffalo, ABD provides an arena for dialogue across the subfields through its holistic emphasis on all areas of current anthropological research. Our objective is to showcase rising talent as well as emerging fields of study through ABD’s focus on original research by exceptional graduate and undergraduate students. Further, our peer review process introduces student authors to the steps involved in publication while providing feedback from professionals familiar with their fields of study.

We at ADB are delighted to invite you to submit a paper for consideration in our Spring edition, Volume 2, Issue 2. Abstracts should be 200 words while research articles should be 2500 – 8000 words, including all figures and tables. Interested parties should email for full submission guidelines. The submission deadline is November 11, 2013.

ABD welcomes a broad range of research interests in social sciences, including but not limited to:

 AAmerican Studies Applied Anthropology Archaeology

          Classics      Education Policies Forensic and Physical Anthropology

       Human Geography Linguistics Medical Anthropology

     Primatology Sociocultural Anthropology Urban Planning

We look forward to your submissions! Also, look for Volume 2, Issue 1 of ABD this Fall, in both hard copy and electronic format.


Dominique Bertrand, Physical Anthropology -Editor               Erica Dunayer, EEB- Assistant Editor

Jacob Brady, Archaeology -Editor                                            Matthew Dysart, Archaeology- Assistant Editor

Joe Kessler, Linguistics -Editor                                                Katharina Pabst, Linguistics -Assistant Editor

Laura LeVon, Cultural Anthropology – Editor                         Kvitka Peczonczyk, Cultural Anthropology -Assistant Editor



Are you and organ donor? If you would like to become one NOW is the time. The New York Alliance for Donation is sponsoring a month long campaign to boost the number of registered donors in New York state. For one month, teams will compete to register donors around the state. UB’s team is called “Transplant Warriors.” All you need to do is go to to register, make sure to select the “Transplant Warriors” team name to help us win the competition. You can also like us on FB “UB Transplant Warriors.”

Help to save lives, become an organ donor today!!


GSEU sponsored Collection for Domestic Violence Victims

October is being observed as a domestic violence awareness month so we are
collecting toiletries for the women’s shelter. We will put some boxes around
campus to collect the items starting Monday (7th October, 2013). Please

Donation Collection Centers
200-A-Commons (Thursdays, 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm)
732-Clemens Hall
310-Student Union (GSA office)

SBI Housing Seminar

SBI Legal is hosting a Housing Workshop with a focus on students who may be entering the fray as first time renters (or landlords), and wanted to advise graduate students of the upcoming event.  We hope to provide some useful information to prevent some of the negative leasing experiences that have taken hold of students over the past few years (as observed by our attorneys and office staff).  There will be open Q&A throughout the event.

This event will be held:
Wednesday 23rd October 2013
3:00pm – 5:00pm
107 O’Brian Hall
Presentations will be made by:
Francis Amendola, Esq. – SBI Legal Assistance Attorney
Daniel Ryan, Ph.D. – Director of UB Off-Campus Student Services
Lorenzo Guzman, M.S.—Director of SBI Off-Campus Housing

Check out what the Writing Center has to offer

Meeting the needs of Graduate Student Writers, the Center for Excellence in Writing offers:

  • Help with dissertations and theses
  • One on one consultation with graduate students
  • Discipline specific writing groups

Coming Soon:

  • Dissertation Bootcamps to help you complete your dissertation (December 9-13, January 21-23, and March, May TBA)
  • Workshops on topics such as editing, proposal writing, and personal statements
  • Daily conversational brown bag lunches
  • Support for TA’s teaching writing

Center for Excellence in Writing

Baldy 209

Hours: MTW 9am-6pm, Th 9am-8pm, F 10am-2pm

Contact: 645-5139,