Life Sciences Career Experience Program

UB’s Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences (CoE) is proud to announce a new student employment program, the “Life Sciences Career Experience Program”.  The CoE has partnered with area life science companies to offer paid, part time positions to UB students during the spring 2014 semester.

Positions span a variety of disciplines, including marketing, web design, clerical, lab sciences, and quality compliance.  Students may browse and apply for positions in the “Career Experience Program” category of the UB Career Service’s Bullseye system

Please note:  International students must have proper work authorization to be eligible to work off-campus.

Storyteller’s Conference ~ Call for Papers

Attached please find the call for papers for the 10th Annual Storytellers Conference, set to take place on April 11 &12, 2014 at UB.  We encourage everyone to submit traditional or non-traditional presentations on topics that fit the conference theme: “Kahwatsire: Empowering New Narrative, Restoring Realities.”  Any questions can be directed to Jennifer Loft ( or Jodi Maracle (

Storyteller's CFP

Citizen Police Academy

Have you ever wondered why and how the police do what they do?
Have you ever read an article and thought something must be wrong with how the police were portrayed?
Have you ever wanted to know more about your police and how they operate?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are just the person we are looking for.
The University at Buffalo Citizen’s Police Academy is just right for you.

This exciting opportunity provides you with a unique education. You will gain first hand knowledge, understanding and insight into the day to day operations of your University Police.

Citizen Police Academy

Shaving Study 2

Announcing Shaving Study 2!

Are you a male over the age of 18 who shaves with a razor regularly? Then you may be eligible to participate in this product evaluation study!

We will provide you, with shave cream and razors for a period of 4 weeks! You get to shave at home and then come to the Communication Science Center once every 2 weeks for 30 minutes to give us feedback on the products (your responses will be recorded on video). If you complete the whole study you will receive $110 in Wegmans gift cards ($50 for each two-week period, +$10 for completing the whole study.

For more information and to see if you are eligible email Andreas at with subject line “Shaving Study 2”


Classics Graduate Student Symposium ~ Call for Papers

Classics CFP

Fellow Graduate Students,

The Classics Graduate Student Association is pleased to be hosting an Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Symposium this upcoming spring, on March 1. Our title is Developing the Academic: Stages of Research. Attached is a call for papers with more details. We welcome submissions from various disciplines especially in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

We look forward to your submissions! If there are any questions please email


Anthropology’s Convergence Symposium ~ Call for Papers

Convergence CFP

The Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) will be hosting its fourth annual interdisciplinary graduate symposium at the University at Buffalo entitled The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  This year we are expanding our conference to be conducted over the weekend of March 28th-30th.  The Convergence Symposium series is meant to be a showcase for cooperative, interdisciplinary research in the humanities, social sciences, and related fields that carries the spirit of the current academic climate of blurring academic boundaries.

Humanity has been concerned with Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death long before such crises were codified by the authors of Revelation.  Throughout human history, religion, mythologies, politics, cultural structures, and technological advances all have reference to, or deal directly with, the topics represented by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. While we have to be careful of prime mover arguments involving these topics and sociocultural change, we often see these topics discussed in relation with transitional and/or transformational periods in complex societies. Of course, societies have also found effective ways of dealing with these events which provide fairly long-term solutions to the divides these issues can create. Other related issues we see are major population events, settlement change, political instability and upheaval, and changes in ideology and cultural material which address the human needs and desires in periods with uncertain futures.

This year’s Convergence symposium is looking for papers from graduate students of all fields pertaining to any of the four topics represented by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Papers can range from one horseman to any combination thereof, and can be from any academic field, but should be written as social science papers to ensure cohesion in the proceedings. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and are due January 15, 2014.  Presenters should prepare a talk of twenty minutes or less based on their papers and will have five additional minutes for Q&A. A projector will be available so presentations can be of either the PowerPoint variant or spoken presentation of a written paper. The compulsory conference proceedings, which will be published online through an electronic ISBN, will allot 20 pages per paper.  Further information regarding the location, and programming for the event is forthcoming.

All submissions or questions should be sent to the AGSA Secretary, Mike Surrett, at by January 15, 2014.

GSA Sponsored Toy Drive

The GSA is sponsoring a charity toy drive to benefit Child and Family Services this holiday season!

We would like to encourage all students to participate by bringing in new, unwrapped toys to the GSA office (310 Student Union) anytime between now and December 13th.  All of the toys will be given out to local children in need.

Thank you to all, your support is greatly appreciated!

Patent Law Workshop

Free workshop on Patent Law for students, engineers, and scientists.  The event will be held at:

104 O’Brian Hall
Wednesday 13th November 2013
4:00pm – 6:00pm

Patent Law Workshop