Photo Contest: Self-Care Selfies

Photo Contest: Self-Care Selfies:  (Complete Information at:

Self-care is important for students – they list stress as the #1 factor impacting their academic performance (as reported in 2013 UB NCHA Survey results). Self-care refers to actions and attitudes which contribute to the maintenance of well-being and personal health.

Enter this contest to share your effective self-care strategies with other students, who may use them to improve their own lives.

Who can enter?

The contest is open to University at Buffalo undergraduate and graduate students. Student employees and trainees of the Student Wellness Team are not eligible for this contest.

Who decides the winners?

Submissions will be anonymously judged by a panel of UB faculty and staff. The top 10 entries will then be posted on the student wellness team website where the campus community can read and vote on their favorite photo.


1st Place: $250
2nd Place: $100
3rd Place: $50

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: March 28, 2014
People’s Choice Online Voting: April 10-15, 2014
Winners’ Announcement: April 18, 2014

Self Care

Call for Candidates: 2014-2015 GSA E-board

The GSA is now accepting petitions from graduate students who are interested in running for the President, Vice President and Treasurer positions on the Executive Board for the 2014-2015 academic year.  Anyone who is interested in running should contact the GSA office right away to be provided with the necessary paperwork.  Petition packets must be returned to the GSA office by Monday, March 3rd in order to be considered.  Please see the 2014 Election Page for more details.

SBI Spring Programming Grants Now Available!

Spring 2014 SBI Programming Grant applications are now available!

“The primary function of the Programming Grant is to fund programs that further the quality of student life, and enrich the educational, cultural and social experiences at the University at Buffalo. In light of these goals, organizations that receive awards are to use them to expand existing programs or to help launch new projects.”

Grants of up to $1,000.00 can be awarded to any recognized university affiliated student organization.

The application is attached, and hard copies can be picked up from the GSA Office (310 Student Union) or the SBI Office (341 Student Union).  The deadline for submission is Friday, February 14, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Please note that this is a rigid deadline, after which grant applications will not be accepted. All grant applications must include the signature of the GSA Treasurer, so please plan accordingly. SBI Programming Grant Notifications will be distributed to the grant applicants by Wednesday, February 26, 2014.

Romance Studies Journal ~ Call for Papers Extended

Dear all,

We have extended our call for papers deadline for our annual Journal on Romance Studies until February 1, 2014.

This volume of Graduate Romance Studies Journal proposes to analyze the multifarious aspects of bridges: their practical uses in the world; how literature and linguistics approach its various forms and functions; “the bridge” as a structure as well as the cultural, political, physical, and/or linguistic ramifications produced by said constructs; as a connection of multiple entities. Could a possible disconnect occur as a result of this connector? What can be said of the “gap” – the “third space” – that the bridge bypasses, and what possibility does it offer us to redefine and reshape our own perspectives? We invite proposals that address these and other questions related to bridges. Possible topics include:

*  Transatlantic Crossing/Sharing

*  Borders and Frontiers

*  Marginalization, Displacement, Migration

*  Globalization and Transnationalism

*  Gender, its limits and transformations

*  Subterranean and Clandestine Bridges

*  Imaginary Bridges

*  Bridges as Transitions/Transpositions

*  Languages in contact

*  Bridging through bilingualism

Please submit proposals (250-300 word abstracts) in MS Word or PDF files to by February 1, 2014.

Please send proposals of 250-300 words to by February 1, 2014. Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 6,000 words (including notes and bibliography). Once proposals have been accepted, papers should be submitted by March 15, 2014.

Attached you will find our Call for Papers.

Best regards,

Cynthia Jones and Lena Taub, RLL GSA


Technology Usage Online Survey

Technology Usage Online Survey

Survey participants needed:  Individuals who are over age 18 and fluent in English.

Study purpose: To better understand how programs are used and tasks are completed with current electronic devices. Help us understand how you currently use electronic devices (like computers and/or tablets) and the types of things you do on them by answering a brief, online survey.

Location and time commitment: This online survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete, but total time may vary between volunteers. You will need Internet access to complete the survey, but do not need to own any specific device to participate in the survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you may stop taking the survey at any time.

For those that complete the survey, you will be eligible to enter your name in a drawing for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card to thank you for participating.

To complete the survey, please follow the link:

If you have any questions, you may contact:

Theresa Guarrera (Research Assistant)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

University at Buffalo

Spring MDRF Application Deadline Changed

The Spring deadline for Mark Diamond Research Fund (MDRF) applications has been changed to Friday, February 21st, 2014.  Grant applications are for research to be conducted April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015.  The MDRF Director will be holding grant writing workshops on the date below to go over the application, instructions, the review process and to answer any questions:

Tuesday, February 4th from 9 – 11am and again from 1 – 3pm, both in 311 Student Union

Attendees should bring a copy of the most recent application and instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact Sierra at

Free Chiropractic Services at Michael Hall

Graduate Students,

You may be unaware that at Michael Hall Student Health Center (South Campus) you have free chiropractic available Monday 1-5 pm, Wednesday 9-12 pm, 1- 5 pm and Friday 9-12 pm.

Chiropractic can help with back pain, neck pain, headaches and other joint issues you may have. Additionally, we are adding another room for your convenience. Please call 716-685-9631 today for an appointment as we usually fill up fast.

Gerald Stevens DC,MS,MPH

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Fellowship

We are trying to get the word out about a fellowship program designed to bring diverse perspectives to the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) in Ithaca, NY, April 3-6, 2014. Please share this email widely. Your help is appreciated.

The Fellowship is available to doctoral students of color in all disciplines who have a personal or professional interest in sustainability. FLEFF provides an opportunity  to share that interest with others.

The Fellowship will cover substantially all costs for transportation, room and food, and Festival passes. Up to 10 fellowships will be awarded.

Please contact Professor Warren Schlesinger to express your interest ( The application process will include a statement of interest and a cv.

It may be helpful to visit and to read the FLEFF Mission statement below.

FLEFF Mission Statement
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival at Ithaca College embraces and interrogates sustainability across all of its forms: economic, social, ecological, political, cultural, technological, and aesthetic. The festival is in the spirit of UNESCO’s initiative on sustainable development. This initiative has redefined and expanded environmental issues to explore the international interconnections between war, disease, health, genocide, the land, water, air, food, education, technology, cultural heritage, and diversity. Through film, video, new media, installation, performance, panels, and presentations, the festival engages interdisciplinary dialogue and vigorous debate. It links the local with the global. And it showcases Ithaca College as a regional and national center for thinking differently—in new ways, interfaces, and forms—about the environment and sustainability.

Free Tax Preparation Services

Dear University Community:

On behalf of the School of Management, I am very pleased to announce that IRS-certified accounting students from the University at Buffalo School of Management will again offer free tax preparation services at North and South campus sites to individuals and families with an annual income below $51,000. UB employees and students are encouraged to take advantage of this service and to invite their families and neighbors to do the same.

Tax preparation for nonresident aliens requires special processing that is beyond the scope of the services provided by Beta Alpha Psi volunteers.  F-1 or J-1 students who have been in the U.S. for five years or less and J-1 scholars who have been in the U.S. for two years or less should contact International Student and Scholar Services for income tax filing assistance, or click here to find out if you are eligible to use Glacier Tax Prep, which will be available mid-February.

Dates, times, locations, maps and other important details can be found at the link below:



Arjang A. Assad

Professor and Dean

School of Management