Check out some of the great events GSA has to offer this month!
GSE Research Symposium ~ Call for Proposals Extended
We have some exciting news regarding the GSE Student Research Symposium. We were notified that we have won an SBI Programming Grant that will allow partial funding assistance for student poster presentations. This will help alleviate some of the cost associated with printing posters.
With this news, we have decided to extend the Call for Proposals deadline to Thursday, March 13th at 11:59pm. By extending the deadline by one week and providing funding assistance, it is our hope that we sill see an increase of both, poster and panel presentation proposals this year. An updated proposal form is attached here.
If you are planning a presentation at a spring or summer conference, this is a wonderful forum for practicing and polishing presentations. We also encourage adapted class projects and papers.
Additionally, if you are interested in serving on the Symposium Planning Committee, please visit the following website for more information. There are many ways you can help out and the time commitment you would provide is up to you!
Sign up at
Additional event information can be found at .
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
Media Study ~ Call for Publication Material
Veteran’s Survey ~ Participants Needed
Are you a veteran? If so, you are eligible for a $10 gift card to Starbucks, on campus. We are looking for approximately 40 to 60 minutes of your time to do an interview of your military and civilian experiences.
If interested please contact Ted Robbins at (please include “Veteran’s Study” in subject box)
Our study is interested in how individuals transition into the services and how the military experience shaped the way they view themselves and those around them. Additionally, we are interested in how soldiers transition out of the military into civilian life.
Milton Plesur Conference ~ Registration
The 23rd Annual Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference is nearly upon us! The conference will be taking place on Saturday, April 5th, 2014 in Room 145 of the Student Union on the North Campus. Registration and breakfast will run from 8:30-9:00am. At 1:00pm, Dr. Erin Kathleen Rowe, of The Johns Hopkins University, will deliver the keynote address titled “Imitating the Redeemer of the World: Blackness, Slavery, and Martyrdom in the Early Modern Hispanic World.” The conference will conclude at 5:30 pm.
We hope that you will join us at this year’s conference. To help us make our final preparations we ask that you please fill out the RSVP form via the link HERE or below, which will ask you to indicate which portions of the conference you will be attending. If you have any questions please feel free to contact GHA President Joshua Schroeder (
Thank you, and we are excited to see everybody at what is shaping up to be a great event!
-Graduate History Association
RSVP Link:
CEW Spring Break Dissertation Boot Camp
Visual Studies Publication ~ Call for Papers
To Find a Form to Accommodate the Mess is a publication of the Visual Studies graduate department at SUNY Buffalo showcasing the artwork of the graduating class of 2014, along with scholarly and creative writing on the themes of anxiety, critique of the spectacle, and revealing ideologies. We are looking for essays of approximately 1500 words on one of the themes, or you are invited to write about the work of one or more artists in the program, using approximately 700 words/artist. Please visit this link to view the artwork:
Papers should be sent to by midnight, March 21st for review.
In an era marked by precarity, mass surveillance, and ecological disasters, anxiety pervades our everyday experience. Whether it is collective or personal anxiety, concerns regarding survival and sustainability, attempts to cope through meditation, medication or organization, we are looking for engagement with any aspect of this affect.
Critique of the Spectacle
What is the current state of the spectacle 50 years after the term was coined? Has the critique of spectacle been recuperated, or is there still potential for resistance in this approach? Some of the topics in this area may include, but are not limited to: the consumption of identity and celebrity, abstraction and alienation in everyday life, the spectacle of opposition, recuperation, and the impact of the market on images.
Revealing Ideologies
Ideologies determine what is allowed to be seen, and what is left unmarked. We are looking for writing that investigates how ideologies reveal, camouflage, structure and define meanings, delving behind what appears to be. Work in this area may include, but is not limited to: alternative histories and analyses of power relations.
Shaving Study ~ Participants Needed!
Are you a male over the age of 18 who shaves with a razor at least 3 times a week? Then you may be eligible to participate in our product evaluation study and earn $100 for your opinions!
We will provide you with shave gel and razor for a period of 3 weeks. You get to shave at home and then come to the Communication Science Center Lab (Fargo 101, North Campus) three times for no more than 30 minutes to give us feedback on the products (some of your responses will be recorded on video). If you complete the whole study you will receive a $100 Wegman’s gift card!
For more information and to see if you are eligible email us at the lab today – with subject line “Shaving Study”.
Personal Care Item Drive to Benefit Compass House
GSA Town Hall Meeting Memo and Proposed Budget
Please see the attached memo and proposed budget regarding what will be discussed at the GSA Budget Town Hall Meeting on February 20th at 7:30pm in Knox 110. All graduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend, but please take the time to review these documents first so that you will have some familiarity with the figures that will be discussed. Any questions should be directed to the GSA Treasurer, Darrin J. Griffin, at