ABD Publication ~ Call for Papers


Attached is the call for papers for volume 3 of the ABD journal, a peer-reviewed graduate and undergraduate student journal for Anthropology and related disciplines. The journal is a collaboration between graduate students in the departments of Anthropology, Linguistics, and EEB (Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior), addressing topics from physical anthropology and primatology, linguistics, social and cultural anthropology, and archaeology. If you decide to publish your work with our journal, you will be able to take part in an edited, peer-review process resulting in a professional publication. This volume will feature a special topic section on articles addressing issues of Conservation. If you are writing about conservation within the social sciences and humanities, please consider submitting an article for this upcoming issue.

Thank you,

ABD Editorial Board

2014 Officer Election Results

The GSA Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the 2014-2015 GSA Officer Elections:


Julie Gorman: 255 votes (83 abstentions)

Vice President:

J. Neil Otte: 248 votes (90 abstentions)


Karl Reza Sarvestani: 158 votes
Jessica Moses: 144 votes
(36 abstentions)

Thank you to all of the students who voted!


GSA Election Committee
Eric Becker (EC Chair)
John Beverly (EC)
Kevin Stout (EC)
Sara Scime (EC)
Matt Celestino (EC)

GSA Job Postings

The Graduate Student Association is currently seeking a Programming Coordinator and a Webmaster.  Please use the hyperlinks to view the job descriptions for more details about each position.  We will be accepting applications now through the close of business on Wednesday, April 23rd in the GSA Office (310 Student Union).  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please note that international students holding other positions will be restricted by INS work requirements and may not be eligible to apply.

University Council ~ Petitions Now Available

Would you like to make a difference in your campus community?  Consider running for the University Council Student Representative.

Petitions are available for pick up at the following locations:

Student Life – 150 Student Union & 102 Harriman
SA – 350 Student Union
GSA – 310 Student Union
GMA – 351 Jacobs Hall

Visit http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/vote/ to learn more about the University Council Student Representative and the Election.

The University Council Student Representative is the students’ voice on the primary oversight and advisory body to the University at Buffalo, its president and senior officers.

Informal Information Session with GSA Candidates Tonight!

The GSA Election Committee is hosting an Informal Information Session this evening from 5:00 – 6:30pm in 311 Student Union (behind the GSA office) to give graduate students the chance to meet and interact with the candidates for GSA’s 2014-2015 E-board.  Candidates will engage in discussions about their ideas for advancing our student government and answer any questions that might arise. Light refreshments will be provided.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Please note that the official Candidate Debate will take place during the Wednesday, April 2nd Senate meeting being held at 7:00pm in 330 Student Union.

GSEU: Important Member Meetings

Upcoming Member Meetings

The GSEU will be holding four meetings to discuss what the state’s recent contract proposals mean for TAs and GAs.  Listed below are the various meeting dates and times.  Meetings typically last 1 hour.  All TAs and GAs are strongly encouraged to attend.  All meetings cover the same topics, so you only need to attend one.  Food will be provided.  The strength of the collective bargaining process is dependent on the support and participation of all members. The GSEU hopes to see everyone there!


Tuesday, March 25th at 1:00pm in 200A Commons (GSEU Office) on North Campus

Wednesday, March 26th at 1:30pm in 200A Commons (GSEU Office) on North Campus

Monday, March 31st at 5:30pm in 200A Commons (GSEU Office) on North Campus

Monday, April 7th at 5:30pm in 103 Allen Hall on South Campus

GSA Spring Break Office Hours

The GSA Office will be open Monday, March 17th  – Thursday, March 20th from 8:30am to 4:00pm (closed for lunch from 1:00 – 2:00pm).  The office will be closed on Friday, March 21st.

The South Campus Satellite Office will be closed on Tuesday, March 18th.