Check out some of the great events GSA has to offer this Summer!
Participants Needed ~ Decision Making and Fatigue Study
Participants Needed!!!
Decision Making and Fatigue Study
You are invited to participate in a laboratory experiment that looks at both physical and mental fatigue and how these two types of fatigue affect the way people make decisions.
Can you participate?
You may participate if you are an English-speaking, healthy adult (age 18-30) with no injuries and the ability to walk on a treadmill. You must also do some form of weekly moderate physical activity.
What will you do? What will you get? How long will it take?
You will be walking on a treadmill while playing a decision making computer game.
You will receive $50 and the ability to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
The total study will take about 5 hours over two days.
If you are interested in participating in this study and want more information, please email or call:
Phone: (716) 775-7876
Outdoor Yoga
Recreation Services is offering an Outdoor Yoga Program this summer which has started! Classes are scheduled Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 12:00 -1:00 PM from now until 8/11/15. We are also offering Wednesday evening classes 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29 and 8/1 located near Baird Point/Lake LaSalle from 5-6 PM. Wednesday evening classes are taught by visiting instructors associated with Yogis in Service (YIS). The classes are focused to improve mindfulness, environmental wellness, strength and balance. Check out the UB Recreation Facebook page for further updates. For more information please contact Jessica Nyrop, or 645-2534.
May and June Events
Call for Participants ~ Shoe Usage Study
A research team from the School of Engineering and School of Management is conducting research in support of engineering design on user-product interactions. This current study is a focused case study using shoes with embedded sensors. We are currently looking for participants to take part in this research in the following ways:
Field study
● You will be given shoes for use during a 3+ hour work shift. Participants will simply perform their regular duties.
● Integrated sensors will be collecting data the entire time.
● During use, you will be asked to complete two short surveys (1-2 minutes) which will be sent to your smartphone via email (minimal data usage). At the beginning and conclusion of the shoe use period, there will be pre- and post-use surveys (10 minutes max per survey).
Eligibility requirements
● Any students working on UB North Campus who are currently working 3 hours or more on a regular shift.
● Job duties require you to be on your feet most of the time (example: Campus Dining, Starbucks, Commons, Library, Bookstore, etc.)
● Smartphone capable of receiving emails and accessing web survey
● Must wear shoe size of:
o U.S. Men size 9, 10 or 11
o U.S. Women size 7, 8 or 9
Participants will be paid $20
If you are interested in participating, please sign up via the form at:
Once you complete the form, we will contact you for scheduling as openings occur.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Andrew Olewnik
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Call for Participants ~ Research Study on Endurance
You are invited to participate in a University at Buffalo research study on the effects of age and weight on endurance. Participants will perform a set of endurance tests involving their hand, shoulder, and back muscles in a laboratory setting in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at UB. The study consists of 4 sessions lasting approximately 1.5 hour each. Participants will be compensated $10/hour.
– Age 25 – 65
– Body Mass Index 18.5 – 40kg/m2
– No current or recent history of a physical disorder affecting the wrist, arm, or back
– Not involved in any regular aerobic or resistance training
Please contact Lora Cavuoto (email:, phone: (716) 645-4696) with any questions or if interested in participating.
GSA Election and Referendum Results
The GSA Election Committee is pleased to announce the results of the 2015-2016 GSA Officer Elections and Referendum:
Christopher Atkinson: 299 votes
Kristin Slonsky: 241 votes
(89 abstentions)
Vice President:
Amy Miu: 498 votes (131 abstentions)
Karl Reza Sarvestani: 515 votes (114 abstentions)
These elected candidates will officially take office as of June 1, 2015.
Referendum Results:
Mandatory: 415
Voluntary: 214
Thank you to all of the students who voted!
GSA Election Committee
Kevin Stout (EC Chair)
Joshua Flaccavento (EC)
Alison Vitale (EC)
Juhi Roy (EC)
Luis Ulloa (EC)
Vote Now! GSA Officer Election and Referendum Vote Now Open
Please use the “Vote Now!” link on the 2015 Election Page to cast your vote in the GSA Officer Election and Referendum. You will need your UB IT name and password to log in. Results will be announced on the GSA listservs on Friday, April 10th.
Call for Participants ~ Graduate Students of Color in STEM
Graduate Students of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
You are invited to participate in an interview for a research study on Black and Latino graduate students in STEM fields. The goal of the study is to gather information about the experiences that led you to decide to attend graduate school, and your current experiences in your graduate program.
The interview will take about an hour and you will be compensated $10 for participating.
In order to participate you must:
1. Be a graduate student in a Master’s or Ph.D. program in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics field
2. Self-identify as Black/African American or Latino/Hispanic
3. Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
4. Be willing to share your experiences
For more information, please contact:
Nancy Campos, Ph.D. Candidate
Educational Culture, Policy and Society
GSA Officer Elections and Referendum Vote- April 6th-9th
A “Mandatory” vote will maintain all GSA funding and services for graduate students.
A “Voluntary” vote will end all funding and services- GSA will no longer exist!
Have you ever applied for GSA conference funding? Has your student or department club held an event you enjoyed? Have you received free help from the Editorial Assistance program? Been to SBI Legal Assistance or the Student Medical Insurance office? Then you have benefited from the Graduate Mandatory Student Activity Fee! This fee funds GSA and Sub Board I services.
The State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees Guidelines requires all student governments to hold a referendum bi-annually for students to decide whether to continue the Mandatory Student Activity Fee, or to switch to a voluntary fee. A voluntary fee will mean that there isn’t enough money to fund these essential student services.
On April 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th graduate students can vote “mandatory” to keep these services alive. The mandatory student activity fee is collected from graduate students and then distributed to graduate students in the form of club funding, academic support, social events and other services. The GSA is currently funding more than 60 Departmental clubs, 10 International clubs and 15 Special Interest clubs. The current fee will not be raised as done in the past.
Please, help us to keep a well inter-connected graduate student community at UB by ensuring our future with your “MANDATORY” vote.
Voting will take place online via a link on the GSA website from 12:00am on Monday, April 6th through 11:59pm on Thursday, April 9th. You will just need your UB-IT name and password in order to log-in. Please cast your vote!