Diplomacy & Diversity Fellowship

Diplomacy & Diversity Fellowship

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to announce that applications for the 2016 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship are now open! The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a transatlantic educational program for American and European graduate students.

The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship

When: May 29 – June 26, 2016
Where: Washington, Berlin and Warsaw
Who’s Eligible: Graduate students and recent graduates of universities in the United States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine
Application Deadline: January 13, 2016

Humanity in Action invites applications from students enrolled in graduate or advanced professional programs, including programs for masters, doctorates, MDs, JDs, MBAs and other graduate degrees. Applicants should seek to build careers in foreign policy, diplomacy and government service, international development, trade and business, NGOs and other international fields. Veterans and candidates of minority backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows are eligible to apply if they meet the other criteria of eligibility.

About the Program

The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a collaborative, transatlantic educational program on international relations and global diversity. The Fellowship is designed to develop leadership skills and knowledge among graduate students aspiring to careers in foreign policy. Over four weeks, 24 American and European graduate students meet with leaders in government, business and academia to discuss contemporary global challenges.

Fellows play an active role in the program by leading discussions, introducing speakers and sharing research. This is a collaborative undertaking which builds upon the capacity of Fellows to challenge and advance their own knowledge, perspectives and attitudes towards complex international issues. Speakers in the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship are leaders, experts and practitioners from foreign ministries and governmental agencies, international NGOs, universities, the private sector, think tanks, media outlets and foreign policy organizations. Speakers have included:

•Karen Donfried, President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States
• Geneviève Garrigos, President of Amnesty International France
• Ron Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL
• Peter Neumann, Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation
• Clara Gaymard, President of General Electric France
• Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference and former German Ambassador to the United States
• Cem Özdemir, National Chairman of the German Green Party
• Éric Chevallier, former French Ambassador to Syria
• Vishakha Desai, former President of the Asia Society
After the formal program, the Fellows research and write essays on contemporary issues in international relations that relate to diversity or pluralism. Humanity in Action publishes a compilation of the essays.

Humanity in Action’s Mission and Network
Humanity in Action Fellowship programs seek to educate, connect and inspire the world’s future leaders to be responsible citizens in the broadest range of fields – government and diplomacy, journalism, entrepreneurship and trade, grassroots activism, academia and culture and the arts.

Upon successful completion of these programs, Fellows will join the global network of over 1,500 Humanity in Action Senior Fellows. As Senior Fellows, they are eligible for advanced professional and educational opportunities, such as fellowships in the United States Congress and the European Parliament and study trips and professional trainings in cities like Detroit, Berlin, Athens and Kigali.

We hope that you will consider applying for this program and that you will share this Call for Applications widely with your colleagues and contacts. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at diplomacy@humanityinaction.org.


Judith S. Goldstein, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Humanity in Action

Ford Fellowship Programs for 2016

National Academies

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is accepting applications for the 2016 Ford Foundation Fellowships Programs for Achieving Excellence in College and University Teaching. Full eligibility information and online applications are available on our website at: http://nationalacademies.org/ford

Eligibility Requirements:
• U.S. citizens, nationals, permanent residents, or individuals granted deferred action status under the DACA program
• Planning a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in a research-based filed of science, social science or humanities
Stipends and Allowances:
• Predoctoral–$24,000 per year for three years
• Dissertation–$25,000 for one year
• Postdoctoral–$45,000 for one year

Awardees have expenses paid to attend one Conference of Ford Fellows.
Approximately 60 predoctoral, 30 dissertation, and 20 postdoctoral fellowships sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Application Deadline Dates:
• Predoctoral: November 20, 2015
• Dissertation: November 13, 2015
• Postdoctoral: November 13, 2015

For Further information please contact:
Fellowships Office, Keck 576
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
500 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202.334.2872
Fax: 202.334.3419

For GSEU Employees: Dependent Care Advantage Account Open Enrollment

FOR GSEU EMPLOYEES (TAs AND GAs with dependents only).

Dependent Care Advantage Account Open Enrollment

The 2016 open enrollment for the dependent care advantage account (DCAA) will last from(October 5, 2015 to midnight,November 9, 2015). The DCAA allows TAs and GAs to set aside money from their paychecks before taxes to pay for daycare expenses. Enrollees will also receive $600 towards daycare expenses. THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR DAYCARE! Anyone currently enrolled in the program and wishes to continue to participate in 2016 MUST enroll again. Re-enrollment is NOT AUTOMATIC.

For more information about this program, including enrollment instructions, please visit this website: http://www.buffalo.edu/administrative-services/announcements/human-resources.host.html/content/shared/www/administrative-services/news/2015/state-flex-spending.detail.html. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the DCAA, please contact the FSA Hotline at 1-800-358-7202 or email fsa@goer.ny.gov. Be sure to enroll ASAP!


enroll:  http://www.flexspend.ny.gov/2016/dcaa.asp



Call for Papers ~ Convergence Symposium

Please see the attached call for papers for the annual Anthropology Graduate Students Association Symposium. The conference will be held on March 4 and 5, 2016 at the University at Buffalo. We welcome submissions both papers and posters from any discipline that relate to the topic “human interactions”. A 250 word or less abstract is due to ahart3@buffalo.edu by January 1, 2016.

Convergence CFP

Participants Needed ~ Research Study on Emotions

Researchers in the Affective Science Lab at the University at Buffalo are recruiting participants for the Emotion Study. To be eligible, you must be currently seeking or receiving mental health treatment and 18 years or older. Participants come to our lab located on UB North Campus for one 3-4 hour session that includes interviews and questionnaires (compensation = $40). You may then be invited for a 10-day follow-up study completed from your home (compensation up to $50).

If you are interested or have questions, please contact our lab via email (ubaffectivescience@gmail.com) or phone (716-645-6694).

Critical Language Scholarship

Dear UB Students,

If you are interested in applying for the Critical Language Scholarship, described below, please contact me for assistance.

Elizabeth Colucci
Coordinator of Nationally Competitive Fellowships & Scholarships
Office of Fellowships & Scholarships
24 Capen Hall
SUNY at Buffalo

We are pleased to announce the opening of the scholarship competition for the U.S. Department of State 2016 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in fourteen critical foreign languages.

The CLS Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is a fully-funded overseas language program for American undergraduate and graduate students. With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and to build relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides study opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.

The fourteen CLS languages are: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu.

The CLS Program is pleased to announce that, for the first time, Swahili will be offered at the beginning through advanced levels.

Please note that participants in the CLS Program are not required to have any experience studying critical languages for most of the fourteen languages. Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Russian, and Japanese institutes have language prerequisites, which can be found on the CLS website: http://www.clscholarship.org/information-for/applicants

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, from a wide variety of fields of study, backgrounds and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of professional, regional, cultural and academic backgrounds in the United States. Thus, students from all academic disciplines, including business, engineering, law, medicine, science, social sciences, arts and humanities are encouraged to apply.

There is no service requirement for CLS Alumni after the program. However, participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their professional careers. Participants are selected based on their commitment to language learning and plans to apply their language skills to their future academic or professional pursuits.

Please note that CLS is an intensive group-based language program.

The application is now live and available online at: http://www.clscholarship.org
Applications will be due November 23, 2015 by 7:59 pm EST.

Prior to preparing their application, interested students should review the full eligibility and application information on the CLS Program website: http://www.clscholarship.org/information-for/applicants.

For news, updates and more information about the CLS Program, check out the CLS website or our Facebook page for updates!

CLS Website: http://www.clscholarship.org.
CLS Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/CLScholarship

For questions, please contact us at: cls@americancouncils.org