GSA needs a volunteer to represent graduate student needs and concerns to the Faculty-Student Association! If you can attend meetings the first Monday of every month at 4:00 p.m. over Zoom, please contact For more information about the FSA, see here:
November Events
Check out some of the great events GSA has to offer!
Provided by your mandatory student activity fee.
Update on GSA Statement on Candace Owens Event
Note: GSA has been informed that Turning Point USA has moved this event to an undisclosed location off of campus. Accordingly, much of the statement we issued yesterday is no longer directly applicable to this event. Most importantly, it no longer makes sense for GSA to call on University Police to protect protestors’ rights to freely speak and assemble, since protests against this event will presumably happen off campus. Regardless of the location of the event, however, we would like to affirm our support for students who choose to exercise their right to protest. The statement below is the same statement that we issued yesterday, which will be left up on this website for the sake of transparency.
GSA Statement on Candace Owens Event
As many students are aware, the undergraduate club Turning Point USA at SUNY Buffalo has invited the conservative commentator Candace Owens to speak on UB’s campus. Some graduate students have expressed disappointment and frustration that Owens has been invited and will appear on campus. These emotions are understandable, especially considering that “reporters” from Turning Point have, just this month, injured and harassed an instructor at Arizona State University.
At its best, the university is a place where faculty members and students can argue and disagree in substantive, thoughtful, and nuanced ways about complex issues. We believe that appearances by provocateurs like Owens hinder this mission. We do not believe that Turning Point USA treats UB as a place for learning, discovery, and genuine intellectual engagement; for them, UB is a prop in a predictable melodrama designed to divide and antagonize.
GSA recognizes that, as a public university, UB believes that it does not have the legal right to ban speakers on campus, even if students find those speakers to be wrongheaded, distasteful, harmful, or even hateful. But students also have a Constitutional right to protest or speak against Owens’ event. We call on University Police to protect protesting students and to safeguard their right to free expression and assembly. And to those students who choose to exercise their right to free expression by protesting this event: we stand with you.
Isaac Kolding, President
Sarah MacDougall, Vice President
Melanie March, Treasurer
GSA Programming Coordinator Job Posting ~ Application Deadline October 25th
The GSA is currently hiring a Programming Coordinator to serve through the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2024). The full description of the position is attached. If you are interested in this posting, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Sarah MacDougall, at by Wednesday, October 25th in order to be considered. Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students who have paid their mandatory student activity fee and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.
October Events
COAL Programming Grants Now Available
Each year COAL releases an application for a programming grant that is a joint collaboration between COAL and Faculty Student Association (FSA) that allows any recognized student government club to apply for a programming grant to create a new program, expand a current program, or produce a publication. This is an opportunity for clubs to create a large-scale program that impacts a huge portion of the student body, and it can be a great way to express your club’s creativity. Depending on the type of grant you apply for, funding can range from $5,000 to $45,000.
An important note, if you submit a grant and receive funding, you cannot change what items you proposed that you needed and you also cannot ask for a higher amount if the amount you requested and got approved for does not satisfy the amount for which the program would have cost so be very mindful in what items you mention.
Reminder : Applications are due on October 6th by 11:59pm so please give yourselves enough time to find product costs and make meetings with the GSA President and Treasurer to discuss your ideas because they will give the final go-ahead and signature prior to submissions and the overall COAL vote in October.
September Events
GSA Hourly Editor Job Posting: Application Deadline Extended to August 21st
The GSA is currently hiring an Hourly Associate Editor to serve through the end of the current fiscal year (July 31, 2024). The full description of the position is attached. If you are interested in this posting, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Sarah MacDougall, at by Monday, August 21st in order to be considered. Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students who have paid their mandatory student activity fee and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.
GSA Summer Hours

Please note that as of Monday, May 15th GSA will be on summer hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm, closed on Friday (closed for lunch daily 1:00 – 2:00pm)
Open office walk-in hours are Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30am to 11:30am.
Regular business hours will resume with the start of the Fall semester on Monday, August 28th.