GSEU Emergency Reverse Town Hall Meeting

The GSEU has asked that we share the following information about opportunities to talk to SUNY about the challenges of COVID, as well as about responses to police violence and anti-racist organizing. While the attached invitation makes mention of the union, this event is open to all graduate students, not just those represented by the union.

Emergency Reverse Town Hall Call

Questions can be directed to the Business Agent of GSEU Buffalo Juhi Roy

GSA Summer Office Hours

Please note that the GSA is now on summer hours:

Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:00pm, closed on Friday (closed for lunch daily 1:00 – 2:00pm)

Regular business hours will resume with the start of the Fall semester on Monday, August 31st.

UB Counseling Virtual Outreach Workshops

UB Counseling Services is facilitating virtual drop-in, outreach workshops that focus on providing psychoeducation and support. A variety of workshops are available Monday – Friday to meet the needs of undergraduate and graduate students and faculty and staff.

Psychoeducational workshops are intended to provide information, skills and support. These workshops are not a form of mental health treatment. If you would like to speak with a counselor, please call us at (716) 645-2720. In the event of a mental health emergency, please contact our office at (716) 645-2720, Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. After-Hours call 716-645-2720 and press option “2” to speak with a counselor.

Virtual Workshops are offered through Zoom. Please download Zoom in advance. Please click on the link in each of the descriptions at the appointed time and you will be able to join the group. Return as many times as you like. No registration or RSVP is required. I If you have trouble accessing the link, please call UB Counseling at (716) 645-2720.

Connection and Compassion for International Students

This workshop is intended for international students. Over the past few months, there has been a multitude of changes nationally and internationally affecting schools, workplaces, and communities. This has led to an increased sense of social isolation and challenges for many students. This workshop will highlight unique challenges experienced by international students; introduce strategies and resources for coping, and ways to cultivate compassion and connection with others in this era of social distancing.

Click to Join

Wed. 6/10, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Thurs. 7/9, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Mon. 8/24, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Creating Routine to Support Distance Learning

This workshop will focus on the impact that distance learning has on the current student experience. Effective tools to increase routine and motivation will be provided as well as resources for virtual academic support.

Click to Join

Thurs. 6/11, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Mon. 7/13, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Wed. 8/26, 11:00 AM– 12:00 PM

Creative Expression: Art as a Medium for Emotional Exploration and Support

Engaging in creativity can serve as a way to express emotions without words, process complex emotions and decrease stress. This workshop will provide education surrounding the benefits of art and self-expression for increasing mental wellness. Accessible tools and ways to increase creative expression will be explored.

Click to Join

Mon. 6/1, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Wed. 7/1, 11:00 AM– 12:00 PM

Fri. 7/31, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Cultivating Connections and Social Supports While Physically Distancing

This workshop will address the impact of social isolation and the current affect on mental health and overall wellness. Coping skills and tools to increase virtual connections will be provided.

Click to Join

Mon. 6/15, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Wed. 7/15, 11:00 AM– 12:00 PM

Fri. 8/14, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Daily Living Skills Support

Access to basic needs and daily living skills may be negatively impacted by COVID-19. This in turn may directly affect overall mental wellness. This workshop will provide information and resources related to basic needs support and increasing daily living skills. Supports including access to healthy and nutritious food, stable housing, financial support and ways to increase self-advocacy and resiliency will be provided.

Click to Join

Wed. 6/3, 11:00 AM– 12:00 PM

Fri. 7/3, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Tues. 8/4, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Helping Students Adjust During Distance Learning: How Faculty and Staff Can Support Students

This workshop will provide information for faculty and staff surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on students. Ways to recognize and assist students in emotional distress will be covered as well as the impact of overall stress. Strategies will be provided to support students during this time of transition, change and loss.

Click to Join

Wed. 6/17, 3:00 PM– 4:00 PM

Fri. 7/17, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Wed. 8/12, 11:00 AM– 12:00 PM

Hope and Resiliency: Managing Change and Ambiguous Loss

This workshop will focus on changes and associated losses resulting from the current COVID-19 crisis. Topics will include shifting to distance learning, social isolation, changing geographical location, inability to plan for the future and temporary loss of life as we know it. Tips and tools to increase coping and support will be provided.

Click to Join

Fri. 6/19, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Tues. 7/21, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Mon. 8/10, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Life Through Loss: Coping with Covid-19 Related Grief

The intent of this workshop is to provide education and validation surrounding the impact of grief and loss associated with Covid19. It will also assist individuals in identifying strategies of self-care and support.

Click to Join

Tues. 6/23, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Mon. 7/27, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Wed. 8/19, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Mindful Movement for Mental Wellness

Movement and brain health are connected and research suggest that physical exercise is beneficial for both the physical body and the mind. Mindful movement can increase cognitive functioning, emotional wellness, boosting mood and energy. This workshop will provide creative ways to move your body, support your mind and increase overall mind/body connection.

Click to Join

Fri. 6/5, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Tues. 7/7, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Wed. 8/5, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Mindful Self-compassion and Self-care to Support Mental Health

This workshop will focus on the impact that stress and other mental health concerns have on overall health and wellness. Tools related to mindful self-compassion, symptom management and self-care will be provided to increase support.

Click to Join

Wed. 6/24, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Thurs. 7/23, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Fri. 8/28, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Music for Mental Health

Music can serve as an outlet for processing emotions as well as boosting psychological well-being. Both listening to and creating music can also have positive effects on mood. This workshop will discuss creative ways to incorporate music into daily life. Skills to utilize music as a support for increasing emotional exploration and regulation will be provided.

Click to Join

Tues. 6/9, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Wed.7/8, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Thurs.  8/6, 3:00 – 4:00 PM

GSA Officer Elections and Referendum Vote Postponed

As per the direction of the SUNY Board of Trustees all student government elections and referendum votes are being postponed until the Fall semester.  Please note that all of the GSA’s E-board candidates are returning officers that were running unopposed to begin with, so this will not impact our ability to represent you or to continue running the organization in any way.  We will reach out to everyone again in the Fall semester with all of the relevant information needed about the postponed election, and we will be in touch sooner if any further information or direction is received.  As always, please stay safe and be well.

GSA Office Closed Until Further Notice

Dear Graduate Students,

This morning the University at Buffalo asked all non-essential employees to work remotely for the time being, therefore the GSA office will be closing immediately until further notice.  Please note that staff will do their best to respond to emails and continue processing paperwork so long as they are able, however there may be delays under these unique circumstances.  Please be especially patient with us over the next few days, as it will take us some time to get everything situated.  Thank you for your understanding.  Updates will follow as necessary.


Jessy Coley, President

Connor Walters, Vice President

Joshua Joseph, Treasurer

GSA COVID-19 Statement and Update

Dear Graduate Student Community,

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic the Graduate Student Association has been meeting with the University to see what we can do to try and help prevent the spread of this virus and to protect our campus and community.  The health and safety of students and staff is our top priority. Out of an abundance of caution the Graduate Student Association has made the difficult decision to cancel all student events, both on and off campus, indefinitely.  We feel that this bold and decisive action is necessary in order to best comply with all suggested health guidelines for group gatherings and social distancing.

Please note that refunds will be automatically processed for any GSA tickets that were purchased prior to this announcement for cancelled events, however this process will take some time as refunds must be processed individually for each and every sale and every event.  Please be patient as the Ticket Office works to accommodate this task.

The GSA North Campus office will remain open until we are directed otherwise (the South Campus office will be closed until further notice), but we strongly recommend that students only come to campus if they are directed to do so specifically by a Professor or Supervisor.  Should the University close, please note that GSA staff will do their best to continue working remotely to the best of their abilities in order to provide uninterrupted service to our constituents.  Please keep in mind that the University’s current directives prevent us from being able to approve any new requests for international travel, and domestic travel should be undertaken at your own risk.  We are working on a plan to continue processing pre-approved reimbursements for conferences and MDRF research grants and will notify students directly if alternate submission policies become necessary.  Additional information about the University’s response can be found on their COVID-19 FAQ page.

Additionally, please note that we are working on determining an online solution for hosting the GSA’s April 1st Board meeting where next year’s budget should be approved.  We will be reaching out to all Board members and club officers directly with instructions on how to access the meeting as soon as they are available.  Similarly, the GSA’s Officer Elections and Referendum vote will take place online as planned from April 6th to 9th.  We will be sending out the mandated reminders to all students for these votes, so please be on the lookout.

Students who have no access to the internet may want to note that Spectrum is offering 60 days of free internet service and waiving all installation fees for college students.  For more information, please call Spectrum directly 1-844-488-8395.

We urge all community members to practice caution and strictly follow the CDC’s guidelines for preventing the spread of disease during this time. We will continue to provide updates as necessary.  We truly appreciate your patience as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

Please stay safe and be well!


Jessy Coley, President

Connor Walters, Vice President

Joshua Joseph, Treasurer