SUNY Call for Student and Faculty Fellows for SUNYCON

We are pleased to issue a call for nominations for SUNY Student and Faculty fellows for the 2015 SUNY Critical Issues in Higher Education Conference to be held October 29-30, 2015 in New York City. This year, the conference focuses on: Building A New Business Model for the Academy. The final conference agenda and full conference overview are now available:

Building off of the successful experience of having conference fellows in the past, we are pleased to provide a select number of individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the changing nature of the higher education business model through the lens of conference speakers, discussions, and networking. The documents below detail what we are seeking by way of nominations. Up to 24 fellows (12 students; 12 faculty) will be invited to participate in the conference activities as well as exclusive meetings with some of our keynote speakers.

The student fellows’ conference registration fee and hotel and transportation costs from the individual’s home campus to New York City will be covered.

Applications must be submitted by your campus’ Chief Academic Officer no later than September 30th.

Please contact with any questions.

Call for Student Fellows

Call for Faculty Fellows

SBI Fall Programming Grants Now Available ~ Deadline October 9th

Fall 2015 SBI Programming Grant applications are due Friday, October 9th!

All grant applications must include the signature of the GSA Treasurer in order to be considered, so please make sure to bring all applications to the GSA office (310 Student Union) by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8TH at 4:30pm in order for them to be signed. The GSA Treasurer will NOT be available on Friday, October 9th.

“The primary function of the Programming Grant is to fund programs that further the quality of student life, and enrich the educational, cultural and social experiences at the University at Buffalo. In light of these goals, organizations that receive awards are to use them to expand existing programs or to help launch new projects.”

Grants of up to $5,000.00 can be awarded to any recognized university affiliated student organization.

The application is attached here, and hard copies can be picked up from the GSA Office (310 Student Union) or the SBI Office (341 Student Union). The deadline for submission is Friday, October 9, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Please note that this is a rigid deadline, after which grant applications will not be accepted.

SBI Programming Grant Notifications will be distributed to the grant applicants by Monday, October 19, 2015.

GSEU and the Labor Day Parade

The GSEU will be marching with the CWA in the Labor Day Parade on Monday, September 7. Participants are to meet at 11am in South Buffalo, with the parade beginning at 12pm. There will be a picnic afterwards. Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend.

Anyone interested in participating should contact Kevin Ryan at by Friday, September 4.

Participants Needed ~ Study on the Effects of Age and Weight on Endurance

You are invited to participate in a University at Buffalo research study on the effects of age and weight on endurance.

– Age 25 – 55
– Overweight individuals are especially needed (body mass index 30kg/m2 – 40kg/m2)
– No current or recent history of a physical disorder affecting the wrist, arm, or back
– Not involved in any regular aerobic or resistance training (≤ 3 times per week)

Experiment Details:
-Participants will perform a set of endurance tests involving their hand, shoulder, and back muscles in a laboratory setting in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at UB. The study consists of 4 sessions lasting approximately 1.5 hour each. Participants will be compensated $10/hour.

Please contact Lora Cavuoto if interested:
(716) 645-4696

Participants Needed ~ Doctoral Student Literature Review Research Study

Dear Participant:

A research team is conducting a study regarding doctoral students’ experiences in working on a literature review. The research study is being conducted by Virginia Tech. This is an invitation to participate in the research study by taking the survey. In this survey, you will answer questions about your program experiences while working on the literature review phase of your doctoral program. Your participation in this study will inform the researchers regarding ways to help make writing a literature review a better experience for students in the future, so thank you for your participation! You must have already completed your dissertation literature review to participate in the survey.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary. Declining participation will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits. Your participation will be anonymous and no identifying information will be collected.

If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact any member of the research team by sending an email to You may also contact Donna Fogelsong at (540) 449-9612. Thank you in advance for your valued input.

The survey may be found at:
The link will be active until September 23rd.

If you have questions about your rights as human research participants, please contact Dr. Moore at or (540)231-4991.

The Research Team
Miranda Sigmon, Lisa Pennington, Donna Fogelsong

GSA Job Posting: Application Deadline August 28th-5:00 pm

The GSA is currently hiring a student staff position for the 2015-2016 academic year. A description of the position is attached. If you are interested, please email the required materials listed to the GSA Vice President, Amy Miu, at by Friday, August 28th at 5:00pm in order to be considered. Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students and must be able to serve for the full term of the position.

GSA Assistant Programming Coordinator Job Description

Graduate and Undergraduate Student Assistant Positions Available with the LGBTQ Program in Wellness Education Services

Graduate and Undergraduate Student Assistant Positions Available with the LGBTQ Program in Wellness Education Services
Supervisor: Jim Bowman, LGBTQ Wellness & Special Projects Coordinator, Wellness Education Services

LGBTQ Wellness Outreach Graduate Assistant

The Graduate Assistant will support the programs and services offered by Wellness Education Services in support of the LGBTQ community at UB. This individual will be a proactive participant in the designing, implementation, facilitation, and evaluation of programs, services and campaigns regarding LGBTQ student health and wellness, community building and LGBTQ cultural competency programs, services and training opportunities. This GA will work directly with the LGBTQ Wellness Coordinator in support of student identity development, student well-being, student involvement, and to enhance the academic experience of LGBTQ and ally students by supporting the initiatives of Wellness Education Services and its LGBTQ program.

LGBTQ Wellness Visibility, Social Media and Marketing Assistant

The purpose of this position is to support Wellness’s LGBTQ program, gain practical hands –on experiences, and to collaborate with partners and students in support of our LGBTQ community at UB. This assistant will oversee our social media presence, coordinate our marketing materials distribution, lead program visibility efforts, and be an active participant in supporting community wellness efforts at UB. This assistant will work directly with the LGBTQ Wellness Coordinator to increase student outreach, increase student involvement, promote the program’s services and opportunities, and create a more inclusive campus environments. This position is open to both graduate and undergraduate students.

Transgender & Genderqueer Communities Outreach Assistant

The Transgender and Gender Queer Communities Outreach Student Assistant supports outreach efforts for students who identity as a members of the transgender, genderqueer and gender non-conforming communities. This position is up to 10 hours per week (on average) for the Fall and Spring semesters (some evenings and weekend days are required). The student assistant must be enrolled as a graduate or undergraduate student at UB during the academic year.

To Apply:

To apply for any of these positions, please complete our online application: (you will need to be logged into UBLinked using your UB username and password). Be sure to attach your resume, cover letter and a schedule of classes and availability for the semester.

For more information:

For more information about these position or the LGBTQ Program in Wellness Education Services, email: