These clubs allow groups of students who share common interests to carry out activities as organized bodies for educational or recreational purposes.

List of Special Interest Club Officers (Updated 10/17/2024)*

*highlighted clubs are updated

List of Special Interest Clubs

Club Page Club Description

Cognitive Science


The purpose of the Cognitive Science GSA is to connect students from across UB campuses and departments who have an interest in cognitive science. The CogSci GSA will host things such as working groups to learn relevant cognitive science skills, social events to promote interdepartmental collaboration, and other events to augment the colloquium series offered by the UB Center for Cognitive Science.

Graduate Poetics Group


The Graduate Poetics Group (GPG) is a student organization whose purpose is to support Poetics activities, poetry scholarship, and literary arts related to activities at the University at Buffalo. It was founded in 2007 and is hosted in the English Department. It is open to all graduate students at UB, including MA candidates, and currently has students from many departments including Comparative Literature, English, Media Study, Philosophy, and others.

Graduate Students of Color


The mission of the Graduate Students of Color (GSC) shall be to support and build a community that promotes the success of graduate students of color, while also educating the university about issues affecting the underrepresented community and giving back to the Buffalo community through community service.


The UBQ Grad Club is a collaborative, unique, and social space for graduate students who identify as LGBTQ+ as well as those who are friends and allies to the queer population of graduate students on UB’s campus. This is a new club that has been established for students who wish to make friends, discuss challenges, bridge connections, and involve themselves in university and community events within the LGBTQ+ graduate community and beyond. This semester the club has plans to table for National Coming Out Day, host a viewing party for presidential debates on LGBTQ+ issues, hold a Thanksgiving pot-luck dinner, have coffee-house social hours and more. The current members are excited to see the club grow with involvement from all disciplines and departments on campus!
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