UB Living Stipend Movement


I’m writing on behalf of the UB Living Stipend Movement to encourage you to support the UB Petition for a TA Living Stipend, which you can read and sign by following this link.  By signing this petition, you join us in affirming that the current minimum stipends for Teaching Assistant appointments throughout this University, many of which are below $14,000, are unlivable.

I also invite you to participate in our march through campus on Monday, September 25 at 3:30PM, which will begin outside the Student Union on Putnam (across from Starbucks) and end at President Tripathi’s office, where we’ll present the petition to the administration.

If you’d like to get more involved in the movement, please don’t hesitate to join our Facebook page here or email us at Ubrippingusoff@gmail.com to find out about our next meeting.  For more information about the UB Living Stipend Movement, follow this link to read our Movement Handbook, and follow this link to read our recent article in The Public.  As this article states, “For the last two years, adjuncts and graduate student workers at the University at Buffalo have been asking for a living wage. UB’s response? An $18 million project for a football field house and nothing for its lowest paid instructors, who teach thousands of students each semester.”

Please share this information widely with students, faculty, and staff from all corners of the university.  Thank you for your support!

Response to Vice President’s Resignation

Dear Graduate Student Body:

As the current Executive Board of the Graduate Student Association, we would like to formally thank Amy Miu for her service as the Vice President these past two years. While we regret her sudden departure, we wish her well in her career and future endeavors. And while at points contentious, Amy’s resignation letter expressed numerous concerns, which the organization will thoroughly investigate.

Amy’s resignation created a second vacancy on the Executive Board, the other being the temporary vacancy due to incapacity of the office of President. The Senate voted to elect an Interim President, and voted-in Jennifer Schechter, who will fill the role until Tanja Aho can resume her duties. The permanent vacancy left by Amy’s resignation can be filled by a vote of the Senate at the next meeting (October 4th). So, we would also like to formally invite nominations to fill the role of Vice President for the remainder of the term (May 31, 2018). Any graduate student in a department represented by the GSA who has attended at least two Senate meetings in the past 12 months is eligible. Any interested, eligible students should contact the Interim President at gsa-president@buffalo.edu.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the GSA office.

Finally, we would like to remind everyone that GSA Senate meetings are open to the public.  While only elected Senators have the ability to make motions and vote on organizational business, all graduate students are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings in order to participate in the important discussions. The full schedule of Senate meetings can be found on the GSA website here (http://gsa.buffalo.edu/governance/senate/).

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to serving you this year.

Jennifer and Anastasia
Interim President and Treasurer
Graduate Student Association

Student Wellness Team Presents Suicide Prevention Week

Student Wellnes Team Presents
Take a Minute, Save a Life
Suicide Prevention Week
September 10-16, 2017​

Wellness Activity Day
Tuesday Sept. 12 / 11am–2pm / Student Union Lobby

Mindful Self-Care, Yoga, Nutrition Demonstration, Mental Health Awareness Resources, Games and Prizes

Suicide Prevention Week Active Minds Speaker:  Pablo Campos
Student Wellness Team and Co-sponsors
Wednesday Sept. 13 / 7:00 pm /Doors open at 6:30 pm/Student Union Theater
Pablo Campos:  “Flying Under the Radar”

In his program, Pablo shares his story surrounding his own mental health concerns, polysubstance abuse and suicide attempt.  He also discusses the challenges he endured surrounding the norms of Guatemalan and U.S. cultures and assimilation.  Pablo discusses how stigma and a lack of education made seeking help more difficult, but by finally finding a strong network of professionals and loved ones, he was able to grow from being his own worst enemy to a powerful participant in his recovery.  He shares his story to encourage others to seek help, build peer support and to create a healthier sense of community.

QPR:  Question, Persuade, Refer
Suicide Prevention Training
Friday Sept. 15/ 10am–12pm / Student Union 250

This training assists participants in learning to recognize the warning signs of suicide and ways to effectively help someone in need.
Register online at www.buffalo.edu/studentlife/counseling (Register for QPR workshop –individual)

For more information contact Carissa Uschold at cuschold@buffalo.edu

Or visit:  www.buffalo.edu/studentlife/counseling

Workshops for Graduate Students Seeking Fellowships and Scholarships

Fellowships and Scholarships for Graduate Students

This workshop will introduce graduate students to fellowships and scholarships for graduate-level work as well as research and dissertation funding. The session will provide information and strategies to maximize your success in pursuing these opportunities. Open to all graduate students.


  • Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 4 pm in 107 Capen Hall
  • Thursday, September 21, at 4 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall
  • Wednesday, October 18, 2017, at 4 p.m. in 107 Capen Hall

Job Opportunity with Givebutter

Company: Givebutter – a social crowdfunding platform for student orgs and nonprofits (https://givebutter.com)

Position: Givebutter Ambassador

Responsibilities: Persuade students, friends, and groups on campus to fundraise on Givebutter (for philanthropy, trips, events, etc.)

Compensation: Up to $2,000 cash and lots of swag

Timeline: September 2017 – December 2017

Time Commitment: Check-in once per week via an online portal (5-30 minutes/week)

How to Apply: Visit https://givebutter.com/spreadthebutter and fill out the short form at the bottom. Interviews are conducted on Snapchat (you’ll send us the answers to three short questions, and we will follow up with you shortly after), check out the link to learn more.

Job Posting: Statistics Lab Assistant

Through a partnership with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate Student Association (GSA), all UB graduate students can receive assistance with statistical aspects of their final projects (thesis, dissertation, qualifying paper/projects). Enrolled graduate students can seek statistical support in 450 Park Hall at designated hours provided by the Statistics Lab Assistant during the academic year.

If you are interested in applying for the Statistics Lab Assistant position, please see the attached job description and submit your cover letter and resume to arts-sciences@buffalo.edu by August 9, 2017. Qualified candidates will be invited to interview prior to the start of classes on August 28. This is an academic year appointment that carries an academic year stipend of $12,000 and is subject to satisfactory performance in the fall with a possibility of renewal in spring 2018.

Petition Against Tuition Increases


As many of you know, I have been a vocal opponent of tuition increases since day one. This year, the SUNY Board of Trustees voted (yet again) to raise tuition to the maximum legal limit. I was one of two “no” votes. This is the sixth time in seven years that tuition has been increased at our state-operated campuses, and untold times at our community colleges.

Now is the time to bring our advocacy to the state level. I released a statement yesterday detailing a provision called “Maintenance of Effort,” a commitment from the state to provide critical additional investment to SUNY schools in the future. It passed both the State Assembly and Senate with bi-partisan support. Now it’s up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign it. However, there’s a problem…

He’s vetoed this exact provision before. 

That’s why we decided to launch a statewide activism initiative starting off with this petition. In it, we call for the Governor to make good on New York’s promise of opportunity and sign this critical bill immediately. Please take 15 seconds to sign on and share.

Your commitment to this effort could be the difference between a decade of tuition hikes and finally securing some of the funding we need to thrive as a system. I’m hoping you can sign on and commit to spreading this throughout your networks. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your support in our mission to make SUNY the best it can be.

Presidents, please share this with your student governments and consider endorsing on behalf of your SGA.

Please reach out with any questions.


Marc J. Cohen

President, Student Assembly of the State University of New York
Trustee, State University of New York
Student Assembly of The State University of New York
State University Plaza – Albany, NY 12246
Tel: 518.320.1288   Fax: 518.320.1557 Twitter: @MarcCohenNY

Your Voice. Your Student AssemblyWeb Facebook Twitter

Volunteer Opportunity at Enriched Housing Program

Good day,

My name is Belinda Balan and I am responsible for the Enriched Housing Program at Ken-Ton Presbyterian Village. This senior apartment is located at 3735 Delaware Ave, Kenmore, NY 14217. We have residents from 65 years old and over. We are regulated by DOH and provide case management, personal care, nutritional services and social activities. We are looking for student groups interested in having inter-generational programs at our facility. The goal is to create meaningful relationships, have fun while learning life lessons. Anyone interested in setting up an activity and/or workshop, please feel free to contact me.

Belinda Balan