Isaac Kolding is President of GSA. He is a PhD candidate in English. If you have any questions or concerns about GSA, please send an email to this address: for a response within 24 hours.

Sarah is GSA’s Vice President, and a master’s student in the Linguistics department who also enjoys psychology and cognitive science. Outside of school, she enjoys playing music, improving her sad MarioKart skills with her endlessly patient husband, skateboarding, making quilts, and dealing with the roller coaster of emotions that comes with turning into a Blue Jays fan after a lifelong allegiance to the Yankees (Alejandro Kirk 4 lyfe). She is currently accepting live music recommendations (most genres welcome). On a more serious note, she enjoys connecting students to resources on campus and encourages people to reach out if they have a need that they feel could be better met – she’s happy to advocate for further programming and resources within the GSA and to upper-level administration. 


Tamara is the Treasurer of the GSA. She’s a PhD candidate in the Linguistics department and wants to connect graduate students with the resources they need to succeed in their graduate careers. Outside of academia, she is pursuing martial arts training in Taekwondo with her three kids and husband. Any questions or volunteers can direct their communication to 



Courtney is the Mark Diamond Research Fund Director. She is a PhD candidate in Educational Psychology and Quantitative Methods.





Sam is the Managing Editor for GSA Editorial. She is a PhD candidate in the Educational Psychology and Quantitative Methods program.



Stephanie is GSA’s Director of Operations and has been working for the GSA since 2005.  She is a life-long Western New York resident, and a UB alumni.





This is Diane’s second year with GSA as Associate Director of Operations. She has been working with students at the University at Buffalo for over thirty years.