Survey on Health and Work Outcomes of Loneliness in Graduate Students


I hope all is well. My name is Joel Hernandez, and I am an I/O Psychology Ph.D. student studying at SUNY Albany. I am reaching out to you as I, alongside my advisor, Dr. Ho Kwan Cheung, and fellow Ph.D. student Bhindai (Katie) Mahabir are recruiting graduate student participants for our survey that investigates the health and work outcomes of loneliness as we believe the experiences of graduate students requires further attention in psychology.

We will stress that your responses will be strictly confidential as we will not be collecting any personal identifiers within the main survey. This is to ensure that you can be honest in your answers without fear of being identified. Your compensation for finishing the survey is being entered into a raffle for one of three $50 amazon gift cards.

If you are interested in participating in this study, the link will be below.

Thank you and if you have any questions you can reach out to me at or my advisor Dr. Ho Kwan Cheung, at or my colleague Katie Mahabir at

