Mary Verné

Howdy Everyone, I’m Mary!

I am a first-year Master’s Student in the Geology Department at the University at Buffalo, and I work with Dr. Kristin Poinar. Currently, I am using ICESat-2 observations and a numerical model to infer crevasse propagation depths on Umiammakku Isbræ, Greenland. But, I am generally interested in the Greenland Ice Sheet!

Prior to coming to UB, I was a Geotechnical Intern with HDL Engineering, in Anchorage, Alaska where I collaborated with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) to help interpret geological subsurface conditions due to permafrost degradation, specifically in the rural village of Cev’aq (Chevak). I also learned how to conduct geologic drillings, soil classifications, and seismic surveys for several locations across south-central Alaska.

Before Alaska, I studied at Virginia Tech, where I received my Bachelor of Science in Geosciences in 2022. While at VT, I worked as an undergraduate researcher in the Chemical Hydrogeology Lab, Coastal Hazards Lab, Computational Geo-Fluids Lab, and the Earth Observation & Innovation Lab.

Mary at the Glarus Thrust, Switzerland, during Field Camp



Fall 2024

I am done with TAing, I am on an RA for the remainder of the academic year!

Summer 2024 ☀️

I assisted the UB Geology Undergraduate Field Camp as a TA for a month! We spent the month camping, hiking, and interpreting the sedimentological and structural properties of our field sites in Utah and Colorado.

April 2024:

I presented my research on crevasse ages on Umiammakku Isbræ at the Earth Science Student Forum, an outreach event hosted by the Buffalo Museum of Science. The same study was also presented at Northeast Glaciology Meeting, in Cambridge, MA.

October 2023:

I attended the Geological Society of America Conference in Pittsburgh, PA to present one of my undergraduate research projects.


Outside of Research

In my free time, I love to be outside. I particularly enjoy traveling, camping, kayaking, hiking, and recently, scuba diving! 🗺️🏕️🛶🥾🤿

Here are some photos from my travels and adventures 🤩

Kayaking in Passage Canal, Alaska
Hiking at Stiles Falls, Virginia
Theodulgletscher (Theodul Glacier), Zermatt, Switzerland
Aialik Glacier, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher (Lower Grindelwald Glacier), Grindelwald, Switzerland
Grosser Aletschgletscher (Great Aletsch Glacier), Fieschertal, Switzerland