We meet weekly in the Glacier Modeling Lab to learn from each other and from external sources.
Goals and themes:
- Build team camaraderie – put time into our personal relationships within the lab
- Grow our glaciology brains by reading and discussing papers and seeing each other present research in progress
- Spur research output by presenting results to each other even at early dates, before results are fully ready
- Discuss important current issues in science, glaciology, EDI, academia, industry, policy, or other (unlimited)
Spring 2025
Planning on going to an escape room on a (non-retreat) Monday or possibly a Saturday.
Monday January 27: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Kristin
Thursday January 30: Semester planning (and fire drill)
Monday February 10: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Sally
Thursday February 13: SMART goal setting
Thursday February 20: Paper discussion led by Mary & Courtney
Monday February 24: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Naureen
Thursday March 6: Website update
Monday March 10: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Mary
Thursday March 27: Paper discussion led by Sally & Kniya
Monday March 31: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Kniya
Thursday April 10: Spring hike? Curling? Axing
Monday April 14: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks
Thursday April 24: Paper discussion led by Naureen & Kristin
Monday April 28: Writing retreat 1:00-4:00, Snacks by Kristin
Thursday May 8: Goals debrief
Past meetings
Archived here.