I am a second-year MS student in Computational Earth Sciences, department of Geology, at University at Buffalo. I am from Chengdu, China.
I study the diverse patterns of dynamic elevation changes observed on outlet glaciers around Greenland Ice Sheet using idealized glaciers and numerical experiments. I am generally interested in physics of ice flow, novel computational methods, and integration of numerical models and observations.
What fascinates me about glaciology is how little we know about many aspects of glaciers / polar ice sheets (e.g., we are still uncovering new physics or physical processes) and how rapidly we are generating new knowledge through observations and models. It is also a growing field that welcome people from various backgrounds (I did not study glaciology as an undergrad). It is an exciting space to be in!
For more information about me (research, bio, CV, and misc.), you can visit my personal website.

In my free time, I love road cycling, hiking, photography, playing guitar, and cooking. If you have fun things in mind, reach out to me at donglaiy@buffalo.edu