Imagine you are a mountain climber and are in the process of climbing a large mountain. You’ve been climbing your mountain all your life. Thus far, you have seen some beautiful things along the way such as rare flowers, breath taking views, and majestic wildlife. You’ve also encountered a number of challenges as you make your way to the top such as ditches, slippery mud, snow storms, crumbling rocks, and equipment malfunctions. At times, you might have felt stuck. Maybe you were unsure what direction to go in or were feeling fatigued and unable to continue climbing. Even though these challenging times have happened, with each new challenge, you’ve become a stronger, more skillful climber.
As you look around, you’re surrounded by other mountains and they extend as far as you can see. Each mountain has its own climber slowly making their way up their mountain. Because no two mountains are exactly the same, each climber encounters their own challenges and successes. It’s likely that other climbers have felt the same way you have during difficult times.
As you might have guessed, this is a metaphor for the journey that we all take in life. We are all mountain climbers trying to make our way up our mountain of meaning. Your challenge for today, is to see if you can remind yourself of this as you interact with other people. Remind yourself that just like you, they are also encountering their own successes and challenges. In service of being a supportive climber, see if you can offer support to one other person today. Maybe sending a text to a friend or family member to let them know you are thinking of them. Or thanking a coworker, essential store worker, or neighbor. Maybe giving praise to a child or significant other. Happy climbing!!