Matthew Paul, Ph.D. // Associate Professor // Psychology

Dr. Paul received his B.A. in Psychology from Boston College where he worked in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Numan. He then went on to earn his Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley under the mentorship of Dr. Irving Zucker. He had 2 postdoctoral positions: the first with Dr. William Schwartz at UMass Medical School and the second with Dr. Geert de Vries at UMass, Amherst then Georgia State University when the lab moved. In the Fall of 2014, Dr. Paul joined the faculty at University at Buffalo.
Zoey Forrester-Fronstin // Ph.D. Student // Psychology – Behavioral Neuroscience

Zoey received her B.A. in Psychology and Neuroscience at St. Mary’s College of Maryland in 2017. After earning her degree, Zoey worked as a lab manager at the University of Tennessee Knoxville in the laboratory of Dr. Kalynn Schulz examining the role of pubertal timing on the risk of mental illness in adulthood. Zoey joined the UBBNE Lab in the fall of 2020 where she continues her neuroendocrinology pursuit. Particularly, she interested in exploring the behavioral and neural sensitivity to gonadal hormones during the juvenile and adolescent periods.
Twitter: @Zoey_Forrester
Chloe Cordes // M.A. Student // Psychology

Chloe received her B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in behavioral neuroscience and a minor in Applied Statistics from Ohio Northern University. In addition to helping with other research projects, she is interested in investigating behavior and its connections to neurobiological differences. In the lab, she studies the role of vasopressin in social, affective, and cognitive behaviors using Brattleboro rats, which have a mutation in the vasopressin gene.
Thalia Lopez // M.A. Student // Biological Sciences
Amanda Mondschein // B.A. Student // Psychology

Amanda is currently working toward her B.A. in Psychology at UB. She joined the lab in the summer of 2022 where she began working on projects centered around the role of gonadal hormones and anxiety-like, depressive-like, and cognitive behaviors during the juvenile period. Amanda also plays clarinet in the school marching band, Thunder of the East!