School Type and Teacher-Reported Social Skills: Differences in Achievement of 4th and 8th Grade Students from Varying Schools Nationwide, and Implications for Teacher Improvement

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In order to answer the question as to whether, and what extent, teacher-reported social skills are related to students standardized Math and ELA grade 4 and grade 8 test scores in the varying contexts of low-SES public, high-SES public and private school types, a large-scale database analysis was conducted of the ECLSK-2011 database. Comparing each of the three school types and composite scores of teacher-reported social skills developed from a composite variable created from the dataset, it was found that statistically significant differences exist among school type, and students’ standardized test scores differ widely. The implications of these findings may be harnessed to address teacher perceptions of students based on school type to ultimately improve standardized test performance.

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