One of my application interests supports the deployment of sustainable renewable energy systems. Sustainable energy comes from renewable resources, such as wind, water, and solar. However, renewable resources are unpredictable and introduce uncertainties that must be mitigated to achieve sustainable goals. These uncertainties present challenges that affect the component design, system-level operation, and the dynamics between energy supply and demand. Solutions to these challenges are found through the techniques and tools I study.
Through my research in wind energy, I have also come to recognize the importance of blade design, and the complex modeling that is involved with these studies. Aerodynamic modeling presents challenges as there is a critical need for accurate and efficient models. Nevertheless, there are currently trade-offs between accuracy and computational expense. In the sub menus for “Technical Approach”, I expand on the problems I am addressing and solutions I am exploring for renewable energy systems and adaptive aerodynamic structures and modeling.

Design of Experiments (DOE) procedure for Experimental Investigation of optimized twisted angle distribution (TAD) for Region 3 to minimize the number of required tests and samples.