Refereed Proceedings Articles
H. Suk and J.F. Hall, “Connecting Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Through Bond Graph Modeling and System Dynamics,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Virtual, August 17–20, 2021. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2021-70796
A. Deka, A.B. Nellippallil, and J.F. Hall, “Goal-Oriented Inverse Design (GoID) of Feedstock Filament for Fused Deposition Modeling,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Virtual, August 17–20, 2021. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2021-70503
H. Suk, A. Sharma, A.B. Nellippallil, A.K. Das, and J.F. Hall, “A Framework for Improving Rural Microgrid Sustainability through Integrated Socio-Technical Considerations,” 8th International Conference on Research into Design, Mumbai, India, January 7-9, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0084-5_23
A. Amaria, F. Meneguzzo Pasquali, J. Armstrong, and J.F. Hall, “Rule of Mixtures Model to Determine Tensile Strength of 3d Printed Kevlar Reinforced Nylon: Thermal Gravimetric Analysis of Kevlar Filaments,” 8th International Conference on Research into Design, Mumbai, India, January 7-9, 2021.DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0084-5_22
P.K. Gopalakrishnan, J.F. Hall, S. Behdad, “A Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Waste Management in Smart Cities,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, August 16–19, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2020-22553
F. Pasquali, J. Meza, and J. Hall, “Decision-Based Design Method for Computing Marginal Cost of Durability,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, August 16–19, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2020-22511
H. Suk, A. Sharma, A.B. Nellippallil, A.K. Das, and J.F. Hall, “Microgrid Power Management with Integrated Quality of Life Considerations,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, August 16–19, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2020-22525
A. Amaria, F. Meneguzzo Pasquali, J. Armstrong, and J.F. Hall, “Rule of Mixtures Model to Determine the Elastic and Tensile Strength of 3d Printed Kevlar Reinforced Nylon: Thermal Gravimetric Analysis of Kevlar,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, August 16–19, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2020-22506
A.V. Nair, A.B. Nellippallil, A.K. Das, J.F. Hall, J.K. Allen, F. Mistree, “Identifying Sustainable Solutions for Water, Energy and Sanitation Needs in Off-Grid Indian Villages,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, August 16–19, 2020, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2020-22507
A. Amaria, R. Nguyen, J. Davison, S. Chowdhury, and J.F. Hall, “Optimization Model for Owner-Based Microgrids Using LSTM Predicted Demand for Rural Development,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 18–21, 2019, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2019-97964
K. Deng, H. Khakpour, F.M. Pasquali, A. Amaria, J. Armstrong, and J.F. Hall, “Rule of Mixtures Model to Determine Elastic Modulus and Tensile Strength of 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Nylon,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 18–21, 2019, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2019-98024
H. Suk and J.F. Hall, “Integrating Quality of Life in Sociotechnical Design: A Review of Microgrid Design Tools and Social Indicators,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 18–21, 2019: DOI: 10.1115/DETC2019-98005
H. Khakpour and J.F. Hall, “Variable Twist Blade Transformation to Improve Wind Turbine Performance,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9–15, 2018. DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2018–88433
H. Suk, A. Yadav, J.F. Hall, “Scalability Considerations in the Design of Microgrids to Support Socioeconomic Development in Rural Communities,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9–15, 2018. DOI:10.1115/IMECE2018–88441
H. Khakpour, J.F. Hall, M. Zheng, T. Wu “Integrative Modeling Platform for Design and Control of an Adaptive Wind Turbine Blade,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 1–October 3, 2018 (Invited Paper). DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2018–9235
F. Mou, H. Khakpour, A. Estes, and J.F. Hall, “Weighted–Least Squares Optimization Method for Control and Shape Design of an Adaptive Blade Twist Distribution to Increase Wind Capture,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 1–October 3, 2018. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2018–9233
F. Mou, H. Khakpour, A. Estes, and J.F. Hall, “A Weighted Least Squares Approach for the Design of Adaptive Aerodynamic Structures Subjected to an Out–of–Plane Transformation”, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada, August 26–29, 2018. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2018–86101
A. Mutasim, D. Sayers, F. Pasquali, and J.F. Hall, “Method for Evaluating Maintenance Capabilities in a Developing Community Using a Multiple DSM Developed Framework,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada, August 26–29, 2018. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2018–86080
H. Khakpour and J.F. Hall, “A Flexible Wind Turbine Blade with an Actively Variable Twist Distribution to Increase Region 2 Efficiency: Design and control”, Proceedings of the 2017 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (acceptance rate: 68%), Tysons Corner, VA, October 11–13, 2017. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2017–5282 (Invited Paper)
H. Khakpour and J.F. Hall, “A Design Methodology for a Flexible Wind Turbine Blade with an Actively Variable Twist Distribution to Increase Region 2 Efficiency”, Proceedings of the 2017 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conference (acceptance rate: 68%, identified as one of nine “Papers of Distinction” out of 113 papers accepted), Cleveland, OH, August 6–9, 2017. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2017–68302
Z. Ball, J. Szabo, F. Pasquali, and J.F. Hall, “A Framework for Wind Energy Conversion to Promote Sustainability in Product Design,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conference (acceptance rate: 62%), Cleveland, OH, August 6–9, 2017. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2017–68393
H. Khakpour and J.F. Hall, “Analysis of a Simplified Blade Design to Facilitate Wind Energy Penetration in the Developing World,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conference, Cleveland, OH, August 6–9, 2017. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2017–68411
A. Lall, H. Khakpour, and J.F. Hall, “Design and Control Framework for Selecting Wind Turbine Gear Ratios based on Optimal Power Generation and Blade Stress,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 12–14, 2016. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2016–9716 (Invited Paper)
A. Lall, H. Khakpour, and J.F. Hall, “An Integrative Framework for Design and Control Optimization of a Variable–Ratio Gearbox in a Wind Turbine with Active Blades”, Proceedings of the 2016 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conference (acceptance rate: 77%, identified as one of nine “Papers of Distinction” out of 118 papers accepted), Charlotte, NC, August 21–24, 2016. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2016–60244
D. Stratton, D. Martino, K. Lewis, J.F. Hall, “Selection of Sustainable Wind Turbine Tower Geometry and Material Using Multi-Level Decision Making,” Proceedings of the 2014 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conference, Buffalo, NY, August 17–20, 2014. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2014–35215
Z. Yan, J.F. Hall, and D. Chen, “MIMO Control of Wind Turbine Using Direct Shooting Method,” Proceedings of the 2013 American Control Conference (acceptance rate: 55%), Washington, DC, June 17–19, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2013.6580397
M.L. Shaltout, N. Zhao, J.F. Hall, and D. Chen, “Wind Turbine Gearbox Control for Maximum Energy Capture and Prolonged Gear Life,” Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (acceptance rate: 52%), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Oct. 17–19, 2012. DOI: 10.1115/1.4026676
Z. Yan, J.F. Hall, and D. Chen, “A Dynamic Optimization Approach for Maximum Aerodynamic Coefficient of Wind Turbine Systems,” Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (acceptance rate: 52%), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Oct. 17–19, 2012. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2012–MOVIC2012–8719
J.F. Hall and D. Chen, “Control of a Variable Ration Gearbox and Mechanical Brake to Maximize Wind Energy Production,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference (acceptance rate: 55%), Montreal, Canada, June 27–29, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2012.6315173
C.A. Mecklenborg, D. Palejiya, J.F. Hall, and D. Chen, “Mode Changing Stability of an Integrated Wind Turbine and Rechargeable Battery System,” Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference (acceptance rate: 55%), San Francisco, CA, June 29–July 1, 2011. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2011.5991267
J.F. Hall, C.A. Mecklenborg, and D. Chen, “Design Properties That Affect Controller Gain and Available Bandwidth of Non–Minimum Phase Membrane Humidifiers,” Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (acceptance rate: 52%), Los Angeles, CA, September 13–15, 2010. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2010–4239