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Energy Systems Design Research Group | ESDRG
Sustainable Design for a Better and Just World
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ESDRG’s Latest Win…2023 NSF Award!
Technical Approach
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Concurrent Engineering: Design and Control for Performance, Life, and Manufacturability
Adaptive Aerodynamic Structures
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Examining Aerodynamic Efficiency with Blade Element Momentum Theory
Computational Fluid Dynamics and the Fluid-Structure Interaction
Experimental Wind Tunnel Testing
Sustainable Power Management of Microgrids in Rural Development
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Journal Papers
Conference Papers
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2021 – 2022 Department of Energy’s American Made Solar Prize Challenge (The CyberBorgs)
Department of Defense Air Force
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2021 Phase I STTR – Aerodynamic Response of Out-of-Plane Wing Twist Transformation to Reduce Drag and Fuel Consumption
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Videos – Tow Tank Test Set Up for Phase I DoD Air Force STTR
Images – Tow Tank Test Set Up for Phase I DoD Air Force STTR
2020 Phase II STTR – Active Morphing Blade (AMB) Prototype to Improve Aerodynamic Performanc
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Prototype Images
2019 Phase I STTR – Design of Flexible Materials for Aerodynamic Structures
STEM for WNY Youth
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Atrevida Science Inc.
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Atrevida Science Inc. Awarded Grant from the National Science Foundation for Wind Turbine Technology
Sustainability Statement
Offshore Wind Ecosystem™
“Optimal Twist” (Buffalo Business First article-2020)
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Atrevida Science Inc. Awarded Grant from the National Science Foundation for Wind Turbine Technology (John Hall quoted-2023)
Offshore wind turbines are growing larger. How big is too big? (John Hall quoted-2023)
Bugs, batteries and blades: For Western New York startups, climate and clean tech is hot (John Hall quoted-2023)
Passing a wind farm, I see some turbines spinning and others motionless. Why? (John Hall quoted-2023)
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Should we build wind turbines from wood? (John Hall quoted-2022)
Uprise Energy wants its tiny wind turbines to replace diesel generators (John Hall quoted-2022)
Adaptable Blades for Offshore Wind (co-authored by John Hall-2022)
2017 to 2021
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UB spinoff aims to modernize the wind turbine (John Hall quoted – 2021)
Enormous ‘energy kite’ promises a new way to harness wind power (John Hall quoted-2018)
Wind energy’s swift growth, explained (authored by John Hall-2018)
Wind Turbine – The World’s Biggest Turbine Dwarfs London Eye (John Hall quoted-2017)
World’s Largest Wind Turbine Would Be Taller Than the Empire State Building (John Hall quoted-2017)
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Experts: Wind control idea in the works for new Bills stadium (John Hall-interviewed 2022)
The Pros and Cons of Wind Energy (John Hall interviewed-2016)
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PODCAST: Renewable Energy Innovation: Dr. John Hall, 3/3/2023
Wind energy expert’s take on new Bills stadium exterior (John Hall quoted-2022)
Higher tech wind turbines on the horizon for UB spin-off company (John Hall interviewed-2022)
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Expert Witness
Prototype Images