Mindful Self-Care, Coping, and Meaning in Life: An Examination of the Professional Quality of Life and Well-Being among Professionals who Support and Provide Services to Refugees

Ellen Halady (Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology)

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Recently, researchers have begun to examine factors that contribute to professional quality of life (ProQol) and well-being among professionals who provide support and services to refugee communities. However, it is still unclear how to address these concerns and what programs would be effective to address these concerns. These professionals are at increased risk of burnout and secondary traumatic stress due to the demanding nature of their work and the exposure to clients who have significant trauma histories. This study seeks to examine the factors that may lead to ProQol and subjective well-being for these professionals. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the relationship between ProQol, well-being, Mindful Self-Care (MSC), coping experience, and meaning in life. 148 multidisciplinary professionals and volunteers in the United States completed the Professional Quality of Life Scale, The World Health Organization – Five Well-Being Index, The Brief COPE, and The Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). The current study suggests that ProQol may be directly impacted by well-being, degree of engagement in MSC behaviors, and one’s perceived meaning in life. The study also suggests that well-being may be directly impacted by coping experience, degree of engagement in MSC behaviors, and one’s perceived meaning in life. Based on the findings, future programs and initiatives directed at supporting these individuals should consider incorporating MSC behaviors, enhancing adaptive coping, and increasing one’s meaning in life to programs to best support individuals who work with refugee communities.
Keywords: Professional Quality of Life, Mindful Self-Care, Meaning in Life, Coping, Well-Being, Refugees