Conservative Campus Engagement Through Social Movements in Higher Education

Michael N Yates (Educational Leadership and Policy)

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The environments of U.S. colleges and universities have continually been impacted by local and global levels of social movements. These campaigns are conducted through organized campus clubs or national organizations geared to bring about awareness or create long-term changes in society or even at the campus level. Today’s political climate has deeply influenced environments for students who identify with left-wing or right-wing ideologies and have challenged their ability to engage with one another within or outside the classroom.

As higher education practitioners will continue to see the impacts of political trends on campus through social movements, this paper explores the literature on college-based campus movements and the ability of institutions to promote student engagement in formal and informal co-curricular activities. If students are challenged to have these opportunities, there are increased risks of practitioners creating academic interventions that support positive student outcomes and potentially connecting with negative outside influences.