UB MBA community in the face of COVID-19

MBA Advantage group

This content is archived. Elizabeth Lepertine, MBA ’21 candidate, Student ambassador Prior to arriving at UB in August, I thought I had a clear understanding of the UB MBA program: it would be challenging, but the value it would give Continue reading UB MBA community in the face of COVID-19

January 18 Bengaluru, India Reception

Graduate school in the U.S.? Attend our reception. Jan. 18 - Bengaluru, India.

This content is archived. Considering graduate school in the U.S.? Consider Western New York. Learn more about the University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo) School of Management. We are the No. 1 ranked business school in the SUNY system, offering an Continue reading January 18 Bengaluru, India Reception

QS World MBA Tour in India

Learn about our graduate programs

This content is archived. If you’re considering graduate school in the U.S., come to a QS World event in a city near you and learn about our graduate programs, including top-ranked MBA and MS programs. In additional to the QS Continue reading QS World MBA Tour in India

From Engineering to MBA

This content is archived. A conversation with Patrick Biver, UB BS Engineering/MBA ’19   Why did you choose UB?  When I was in high school, I was weighing the costs of a college degree, considering the benefits of staying in-state. UB was an obvious Continue reading From Engineering to MBA

The Linking Leaders Conference (April 27)

Linking Leaders Conference, Inspiring the next generationof diverse leaders.

This content is archived. The Linking Leaders Conference is a yearly event that brings together student organizations, employers, alumni and students of color to UB’s campus for a day. The goal is to create a dialogue centered around inclusivity in the Continue reading The Linking Leaders Conference (April 27)

Undergrads and MBA students – enter the UB Case Competitions!

This content is archived. DEADLINE EXTENDED! Pre-register your team by Feb 22 to enter UB’s Annual case competitions.  The competitions (one for undergraduates and one for MBAs) will take place April 5-6 and challenge teams from business schools to compete in a real-world Continue reading Undergrads and MBA students – enter the UB Case Competitions!

60 Days After You Graduate

Alumni at a social event

It has been sixty plus days since many of us have graduated from the UB School of Management’s full-time MBA program. The term “alumni” still hangs loosely in the air — it does not feel real quite yet. Continue reading 60 Days After You Graduate

Letters of Recommendation: Who, What, Why?


After years of undergraduate study and professional work experience, and months of preparing for standardized tests and admission essays, it is time to select who will write your letters of recommendation for the UB MBA program. Continue reading Letters of Recommendation: Who, What, Why?

No Longer at the Children’s Table: National Association of Women Business Owners


When you think of a female business owner, what are you imagining? Betty Crocker? Or perhaps you think of Jennifer Lawrence, who recently portrayed Joy Mangano, the inventor of the Miracle Mop. That might have been what I thought of too. Continue reading No Longer at the Children’s Table: National Association of Women Business Owners

Wow UBMBA: Meet me. Like me? Hire me!

National Black MBA logo

As a second-year MBA student, my priority is to get a job. Every second year MBA student I know here at the University at Buffalo feels the same way: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Continue reading Wow UBMBA: Meet me. Like me? Hire me!