Modeling retrieval in production

Pfordresher, P.Q. Palmer, C., & Jungers, M. (2007). Speed, accuracy, and serial order in sequence production. Cognitive Science, 31, 63-98.

How do we retrieve notes and put them into action? Why and how does this process occasionally break down? This area of research focuses in particular on mathematical modeling of the kinds of errors piano players make when performing under various conditions. The technique of relating errors to cognitive plans that guide memory retrieval stems from speech research. In general, striking similarities are found across these domains.

Theoretical goals of this research include a better understanding of cognitive plans that underlie sequence production, the role of time in memory retrieval, and interrelationships between timing and serial order in production.

Applied goals include understanding the ways in which errors can be used as a pedagogical tool to understand different stages of musical skill, and the performance conditions in which optimal planning can occur.