
Lab outing to Creekview Restaurant, June 12, 2023
(Left to right): Anthony Nguyen, Nikki Coleman, Lynn Pfordresher, Peter Pfordresher, Paul Pfordresher, Emma Pfordresher, Chihiro Honda, Andrea Halpern, and David Vollweiler

Caroline Palmer McGill University

Steven Brown McMaster University

Andrea Halpern Bucknell University

Fang Liu University of Reading

James Mantell St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Siu-Lan Tan Kalamazoo College

Patrick Savage Keiō University, Shōnan-Fujisawa Campus

Adam Tierney Birkbeck, University of London

Bryon Nichols Penn State University

Jon Prince Murdoch University

Emma Greenspon St. John Fischer

Pauline Larrouy-Maestri Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

David Vollweiler University of Nevada- Las Vegas

Steven Van Hedger, Huron College

Mark Seery, University at Buffalo

Thomas Saltsman, University at Buffalo

Frank Russo, Toronto Metropolitan University

Yuto Ozaki, Keio University

John McBride, institute for Basic Science, Ulsan, South Korea

In Memorium
Steven Demorest –  Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University
Rom Harre – Georgetown University