Beyond the Books: Unique Learning Opportunities at UB

Written by: Ajmain Islam, MS in Finance ’24

Achieving a balance between academic knowledge and real-world experiences is paramount for any graduate student looking to excel in their field. While academics provide the theoretical foundation and critical thinking skills necessary for success, real-world experiences offer practical insights, industry connections, and the opportunity to apply classroom learning. 

From delving into the intricacies of multinational banking to unraveling the complexities of international financial management and the management of financial institutions, case studies incorporated into my classes at the University at Buffalo have been invaluable in bridging the gap between theory and practice. We dissect complex financial scenarios, analyze market trends, develop strategic solutions and build the practical skills needed to thrive in the finance industry. 

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As part of Finance Academy, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work on real-world projects in collaboration with industry giants like M&T Bank, National Fuel Gas and Lippes Mathias. These projects allowed my teammates and me to make tangible contributions to the business world. The Finance Academy also features a stellar line-up of guest lecturers and industry experts throughout the semester. 

The Equity Research capstone course throws us headfirst into the world of portfolio management through a financial simulation exercise. Picture this: a million-dollar portfolio at your fingertips. In the Equity Research capstone course, we simulate managing such a portfolio. We analyze stocks, assess risk and make investment decisions. It’s exhilarating, nerve-wracking and incredibly rewarding. The pressure is real, but so are the skills we acquire. This capstone experience prepares graduate students for the dynamic world of asset management. 

Learning extends beyond the confines of UB’s campus. I had the opportunity to attend the “Finance Forum” at the SUNY Global Center in New York City, organized by the UB School of Management. Rubbing shoulders with industry leaders and attending networking events like “Network New York,” hosted at EY headquarters, provided invaluable opportunities to connect with UB alumni and gain insights into the inner workings of top financial institutions. 

To truly understand the industry, you need to see it in action. Company visits to the likes of Citi and Goldman Sachs headquarters have been eye-opening experiences, offering firsthand insights into the day-to-day operations of these industry giants. These visits, coupled with initiatives by the Career Resource Center, are instrumental in providing students with the exposure and professional connections needed to succeed in the competitive world of finance. 

The MS Finance program at UB isn’t just about textbooks and exams. It’s about providing a holistic learning experience that equips us with the knowledge, skills and network to thrive in the ever-evolving world of finance. From case studies and real-world projects to industry insights and networking opportunities, UB goes above and beyond to prepare its students for success.

Ajmain Islam, MS in Finance '24

Bio: Ajmain was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where his upbringing was shaped by the influence of his parents, both banking professionals, instilling in him a passion for finance and banking from an early age. Pursuing this passion, he completed his Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration degrees with majors in Banking and Insurance from the University of Dhaka, consistently ranking among the top percentile of his graduating class. During his academic journey, he actively engaged in extracurricular activities, serving as the Head of Event Management for the Banking and Insurance Club, honing his leadership skills and fostering a collaborative environment for fellow students. Transitioning into the professional world, he began his career as a Management Trainee at Jamuna Bank Ltd., where he gained invaluable experience in stakeholder relationship management, strategic analysis, and operational optimization. His contributions led to tangible improvements in client satisfaction and departmental efficiency. Subsequently, he ventured into the realm of business analysis as a Business Analyst at Gigabyte, a prominent technology company. Here, he focused on optimizing sales and marketing strategies through advanced data analysis and market research, resulting in enhanced industry presence and cost savings for the company. Outside of his professional pursuits, he finds solace and enjoyment in staying active through weightlifting and outdoor activities. Additionally, he values quality time spent with friends and family, exploring new cuisines, and immersing himself in literature. Driven by his dedication to excellence and continuous learning, he is committed to making meaningful contributions to the finance and banking sector, fueled by his passion for innovation and growth.

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