Etude comparative du point de vue lexicostatistique et morphologique des dialected du nda’nda’. MA thesis, University of Yaounde 1.
Category Archives: Thesis2021
Kengne Nsidjine Edwige Noel.
Contingences socio-culturelles et dynamiques spatiales dans la Commune de Bazou (Ouest-Cameroon). MA thesis, University of Yaounde 1.
Kum Kebei, Marius.
Household multilingualism and intercommunity relations: an ethnographic appraisal of the Lower Fungom area in Menchum Division of the North-West Region of Cameroon. PhD dissertation (Sociology and Anthropology). University of Buea.
Esene Agwara, Angiachi D
Language ideologies in contexts of small-scale multilingualism: Repertoires, attitudes, and language use in Lower Fungom (Cameroon). PhD Dissertation, University of Bayreuth.
Tschonghongei, Nelson C.
Mbuk Documentary Grammar. PhD Dissertation, University of Yaounde 1.