Trauma Testimonials in Slam Poetry: A Portrait of Resilience

Kelly Schucker

This study emphasizes the value of engaging in nonacademic literacy practices (specifically focusing on slam poetry) as an authentic source of literacy engagement, and as a method of identity exploration and exposition through performative poetry. This paper specifically looks at one slam poetry competition event in a rustbelt city in the United States. Four poets consented to participate in this study, which requested: to film and transcribe the poet’s performances at that event, and to participate in both a semi-formal interview and a viewing session (which was a semi-formal interview that focused on film of one of the poet’s slam poems). All data was recorded and linguistically transcribed.Significant coding and analysis revealed a few major themes across all poets in relation to their expressions of identity-establishment: 1. a major theme in slam poetry is the testimony of trauma narratives 2. poets frequently use metaphor in their poetry: a. as a way to better understand their own experiences, trauma, and oppression b. as a tool to connect with the audience through shared experiences and knowledge 3. in sharing narratives of trauma, poets demonstrate their resilience.

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