October Minutes

GNO Minutes

October 23rd, 2017

Macs on Hertel

  1. Meeting called to order by President Michelle Gilliland at 4:15 PM. Introductions performed
  2. Attendance: Michelle Gilland, Kwasi Adusei, Illyana Rahman, Max Boasiako, Gary Yam, Stef McCauley, Kaitlyn Tomeno, Brian Sedar, Kaylee Zaffutto, Dr. Warunek, Dr. Sessanna
  3. Approval of September minutes
  4. Senate Report
    1. Next meeting November 1st
    2. GSA senate is conducting an operational and financial audit to assess efficiency of budget
  5. Treasurer’s report
    1. Budget – $3600
    2. Vote for next meeting/party expense for December 9th event at 7:00pm for $700.00 Motion made by Kwasi Adusei and seconded by Ilyana Rahman. The motion was passed 9-0-0 (in favor-opposed-abstained)
    3. Proposed budget for meetings until April is $300 each. Remaining proposed balance is $1200 or more for end of year party May 2018.
  6. Old Business
    1. Community work – Demi Walsh to follow up
    2. Elect Secretary
    3. A motion was made to elect Kwasi Adusei into the to Secretary position The motion was passed 9-0-0 (in favor-opposed-abstained)
    4. Gary Yam will be the Senate Representative
  7. Winter Party
    1. Date for Winter Party is Saturday, December 9th at 7:00pm location TBD
    2. November 15th is the deadline for December conferences
  • New Business
    1. May host a fundraiser for anesthesia programs trip to the Philippines January 26th – December 10th
      1. Stef McCauley will be the point person for the fundraiser
      2. Gary will look into hosting a blood drive
      3. Other ideas include:
        1. Apparel Sale
        2. Volleyball Fundraiser
      4. Doodle poll will be created to figure out best time to host this fundraiser
    2. Haiti Trip – Fundraising, supplies needed
  • Open Discussion
    1. Sessanna visited to discuss questions and concerns for capstones.
      1. She will follow up with nursing faculty to discuss developing a template for different hospitals that will guide students through associated IRB requirements
  • Meeting Adjournment