Eun-Hye Enki Yoo
I am a geographer with a special training in GIScience. My research interests include spatial scale issues and error/uncertainty in geographic data, as well as their effects on statistical analyses and computational modeling. My past research has examined these issues in relation to diverse topics, including population density, air pollution, extreme temperature, greenspace, and human dynamic. My current research projects focus on fine scale environmental exposure modeling, geospatial health effect assessments, and human activity analysis. I collaborate with colleagues from a variety of disciplines.
updated CV can be found HERE.

Jeongwon Lee
My research interests lie in the interaction between human and environment. I am interested in GIScience and spatial analysis and integrating variety forms of spatial data for analysis to model PM2.5 concentration and assess human impact.
Past Members:
- Qiang Pu (Ph.D 2023)
- Hang Tian (MS)
- Youngseob Eum (PH.D 2022)
- Xiangyu Jiang (PH.D 2020)
- Wei Wang (M.S.)
- Youdi Shi (M.S.)