We are hiring!

We are actively seeking creative and dedicated scientists and engineers! Prospective researchers should have a strong interest in optical imaging, instrumentation, and machine learning for biomedical datasets.  For most inquiries, Dr. Won can be reached at jungeunw {at} buffalo {dot} edu.

Prospective PhD graduate students should apply directly to the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UB. If you have relevant optical imaging research experience, you can email Dr. Won with a CV and a brief summary of your background and interests when applying.

UB MS graduate students are welcome to join our group for a research project or thesis! Contact Dr. Won by e-mail with a resume, an official transcript from undergraduate and graduate programs, and a brief statement of interest to arrange a meeting.

UB Undergraduate students are welcome to join our group for hands-on research experience and credits! Contact Dr. Won by e-mail with a resume and a brief statement of interest.

Postdoctoral candidates should contact Dr. Won by e-mail with a CV, a 1-page summary of research experience and interests, and contact information of at least 2 references.

Mailing Address

332 Bonner Hall
Buffalo, NY
USA 14260


Office Hours

215J Bonner Hall
