Dreams, Hard work, Determination and Success – My MBA Journey

Priyadarshani Rath

This content is archived. Priyadarshani Rath I’ve always heard that it takes sweat, determination and hard work before a dream becomes a reality. Years ago, I had a dream to earn an MBA. Yesterday, tears filled my eyes during the Continue reading Dreams, Hard work, Determination and Success – My MBA Journey

The Manage-A-Bull MBA Podcast #2

This content is archived. In this episode we talk with Jonny Percy, second-year MBA student, President of the Graduate Management Association, and Human Resources Officer for the UB Management Consulting group. In our conversation Jonny gives us details on how Continue reading The Manage-A-Bull MBA Podcast #2

China – a Business Adventure

This content is archived. China – A Business Adventure by Saharsh Atra (MBA ’19). If you think you can swim just because you know what water is and you have seen others do it, you will be in for a surprise Continue reading China – a Business Adventure

UBMBA Clubs Part Two: Leadership and Collaboration Outside the Classroom

MISA logo

As you begin your journey with the UB School of Management’s full-time MBA program, you may be curious on how to get involved with the university. Have you considered a student-run organization? Continue reading UBMBA Clubs Part Two: Leadership and Collaboration Outside the Classroom

UBMBA Clubs Part One: Leadership and Collaboration Outside the Classroom

Members of UB Women in Management

The UB School of Management’s full-time MBA program provides an inclusive environment that supports big thinking, creative freedom, and vast possibilities for achievement. But achievement is not limited to the classroom. Continue reading UBMBA Clubs Part One: Leadership and Collaboration Outside the Classroom

Letters of Recommendation: Who, What, Why?


After years of undergraduate study and professional work experience, and months of preparing for standardized tests and admission essays, it is time to select who will write your letters of recommendation for the UB MBA program. Continue reading Letters of Recommendation: Who, What, Why?

No Longer at the Children’s Table: National Association of Women Business Owners


When you think of a female business owner, what are you imagining? Betty Crocker? Or perhaps you think of Jennifer Lawrence, who recently portrayed Joy Mangano, the inventor of the Miracle Mop. That might have been what I thought of too. Continue reading No Longer at the Children’s Table: National Association of Women Business Owners